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CJ ATIIEBISiGS. A PROPOSAL KY i'Rexy, ( From the Adventures of Charles O'.Malley.) "Here we"!1 be quite cosey, and to ourselves," said Mr. Blake, as pJ¡¡citlg.1 chair 1')1' me, he sat down himself, viÍth the air of a man resolved to assist, by advice and counsel, the dilemma of some de'r ftiëlld. After a few wlilcii, like. a breathing canter before a race, serves to get your courage up, and settle you well in your St.at, I opened my negoci- ation by some very broad and sweeping truism about the misfortune of a bachelor existence, the discomforts of his position, his want of home and happiness, the necessity or his one day thinking seriously about marriage; it being in a measure almost p? inevitable a termination oi the free and easy career ot his single life as transportation for seven years is to that of a poacher. l'ou ciiiizipt go on Nir/saidi 'trespassing forever upon your neighbours' preserves; you must be apprehended sooner or later, therefore, I think, the better way is to get out a license." Naver war a small sally of wit more thoroughly suc- cessful. Mr. Blake laugh d tiii he cried, and when he had done wiped his eyes wiih a sniffy handkerchief and cried till he laughed again. As. somehow, I could not '-once.d trom myselt a suspicion as to the sincerity of my triend's mirth, merely consoied myself with the French adage, d¡at he la::ghs best who Liugos )ast; and WlIt adage, !.hatheia.:gh.s best w!?oi.tng ,is last; an d went f It will nqt he deemed surprising, sir, that a man cotite to the discovery I have just mentioned much more rapidly by lIaving enjoyed the pleasure of intimacy with your family; not only !.y the example of perfect domestic happiness presented to him, but by the prospect held out that a,i heritage of the fair irts which adorn and grace married life, may reasonably be looked tor among the d.T"hters of those, themselves the realization of con- jugal felicity.' "• ilere was a eantcr, with a vengeance; and as I felt blown, I slacked my pace, coughed and resumed. Nliss Mary Blake, sir, is then tlieobject ofniy present communication: she it is, who has made an existence that seemed fair and pleasurable before, appear LlauKand unprofitable without her. I have, therefore,—to come at once to the point,—visited you this morning, formally to ask her hand in marriage: her fortune, I may observe at once, is perfectly illluiaterial-a matter of no conse- quence (so Mr. Biake thought also); a competence fully equal to every reaso,)Il)ie iioti,,ii (,f "•There—there don't—don't,' said Mr. Blake, wiping his eyes with a sob like a hiccup. dout speak of money. ( i o",t s,)cak of I know what you'd say a handsome settlement-a well- secured joiafure, and ail that. Y es, yes, I feel it all." \Vhjr*;s, sir. I believe I may add, that every thin0" in this respect will answer your expectations." '"Of course—to be sure. My poor dear Baity how to do without her. that's the rub. You don't know O'Mallev, what that girl is to me—you can't know it; you'll feel it one day, though—that you will." "'The devil I shall;' thought I to myself. '"The great point is, after all, to leara the lady's dispo- sition in the initter- "'Ah, Charley! none of this with me. you slv dog:' I- oil think I don't know you. Why I've ")cen vitcliiiig- that is, I have seen—no, I mean lve heard—they--thev —: people will talk, you know. "'Very true, sir. But. as I was going to remark-, Just at this moment the door opened, and Miss Babv herself, looking most anoyingly handsome, put in her head. Pi, w,re waiting breakfast Ah, Charley, how ,d'ye do ?' "'Come in, Babv." <;aid Mr. Blake; 'you have'nt given me my kiss this morning.' The lovely girl threw her arms around his neck, while her bright and Sowing locks fell richly upon his shoulder. I turned rather sulkily away: the tiling always pro- vokes me. There is as much cold sdiih crufity in such cormn publico endearments, as III the luscious dis- play 01 rich rounds and sirloins inachophonse, to the eyes ot the starved and penniless wretch without, who, with dripping rags and watering lip, eats imaginary slices, while the pains of hunger are torturing him. Ther," Tim said Mr. Blake, suddenly. 'Tim Cronili Tim!' shouted he to—as it seemed t me—an imaginary individual out.-ido; while, in the eigeritess ot. pursuit, he rushed out of the study, banking the door as lie went, and leaving Baby and myself to our mutual edification. I should have preferred it being otherwise; but as the Fates willed it thus, I took Baby's hand, and led her to) the window. Now tli,-re is one of mv country- men which, having recognised strongly in myself, I would fain proclaim; and writing, as I do,—however little people may suspect tiie,- so!Iy for the sake of the monl, would gladly warn the unsuspecting against. I mean, a very decided tendency to become the consoler, the confident of young ladies; seeking out opportunities of assuaging their sorrows, reconciling their afflictions, breaking eventually passages to their ears not from any inherent pleasure in the tragic phases of the intercourse, but for the semi-tenderness of manner, that harmless hand-squeeziug, that innocent waist-pressing, which is like salmon without lo)jstL:r-ii t"ll.jg maimed, wanting, and imperfect. Now whether this with me was a natural gift, or n-,erely 'a way in the army,'as the song says. I shall not pretend to say but I venture to affirm that a few men could excel me in the practice I speak of some five and twenty years ao. Fair reader, do pray, if I have the happiness of being known to you, deduct them from any '('Li, Cle(itiCt t l leln Ll y age before you abstract from my merits. ell, Baby, dear, I have just been speaking about you to papa. es, dear,— don't look so incSirjjdidous,— even of your own sweet self. Well, do y" ou know I almost prefer voir hair worn that way; thoge same silky masses look better faning thus lieavily- There now, Charley! ah, don't' u. Wen, Baby, as I was saving, before you stopped me, I have been asking your papa a very important question, and he has reierred me to you fur the answer. And now will you tell me, in all frankness and honesty, your mind on the matter ?" She grew deadly pale as I spoke these words; then suddenly flushed up again, but said not a word. I could perceive, however, from her heaving chest and restless manner, that no common agitation was stirring her bosom. It was cruelty to be silent, so I continued. '"One who loves you we)!, Baby dear, has asked his ewn heart the question, and learned that without you he has no chance of happiness; that your bright eyes are to him bluer than the deep sky above him that your soft voice, your winning smile—and what a smile it is!—have taught him that lie loves, nay, adores you. Then, dearest. —what pretty fiugers those are! Ah: what is this! I never saw that ring before. Baby." -1 011, thit,- 's;lid.,iie, blushing deeply, 'tli:it is a riii-,Ir the foolish creatine Sparks gave ine a couple of days ago; but I don't like it I don't intend to keep it.' So saying, she endeavoured to draw it from her finger, bilt ill vaill. B tit why, Baby, tr h v take it oi l 1 is it to give him the "Blit why, Ihby, '?;')¡V titke it (),1'? i it to give him the P^leasure of puiting it on again ? There don't look an<>ry j we must not fall (,,ut No, Charley, it you are not vexed with me—if you are -No, no, my dear Baby; nothing of the kind. Sparks wa^ quite right in not entrusting his entire fortune to mv ?ptomac?. but, at least, he ought to have told me that he had opened the ne?ciation. Now t?e qnesu?nsimpiv il Do you love him or rather, because that shortens .,ou accept hnn Love who '• • Love whem! VTT.y Sparks, to be sure. T "A hash of indignant surprise passed aemss her features, now pale as rnar'd e her lips were slightly parted her large full eve" were fixed u p on me steadfast l y; and her hand, which I had Iwld in mine, the suddenly with- die-.v from mv grasp. And so—and so is ]of Mr. Sp:'rkscause you are so ardently the advocate ?' said she, at length, after a pause of a most awkward duration. Why, of course, my dear cousin. It was at his suit and solicitation I called on your father; it was lie himself who intreated me to take this step; it was BIIt before I coul:1 conclude, she burst into a torrent of tears, and rushed from the room. "Here was a situation! What the deuce wis the matter? Did she, or did she not, care for him ? Was her pride or her delicacy hurt at my being made the means of communication to her father ? What had Sparks or to put himself and me in such a devil of a predicament? Could she care for any one else ? W en, Ch:!rlv!' cried lfr. Blake, as he entered. rubhin-r his bands in a perfect paroxysm of good temper. 'Wet! Chnrtey, has love-making driven breakfast out of your head ?' "Why, faith, s ir, I greatly fenr I have blundered in my mission sadly. My cousin Mary does not appear so perfectly satisfied—her manner I)ori't tell me siicli iiianner! Why, man, I thought you were too old a soldier to be taken in that w,,iv.' VVell, then, sir, the best thing, under the circumstances, is, to send over Sparks himself. Your consent, I may tell is ,il!-ea(lv ol)t.,titied.' Yes, my boy: and my daughter's is equally sure. But 1 don't see what we want with Sparks at all: among- ulll friends and relatives, as we are, there ts no need of a stranger.' A stranger! Very true, sir; he is a stranger; but when that stranger is about to become your son in law "'About to become what?' said Mr. Blake, rubbing his spectacl's,-and placing them leisurely over his nose to regard me; 'to become what?' Your son in law. i hope I have been sufficiently explicit sir, in making known Mr. Sparks' wishes to you.' Mr. Sparks! Why, damn niefc sir—that is—I beg pardon for the warmth —you—you never mentioned his name to day till now. You led me to suppose that—in i'act, you toid me most clearly "Here, from the united efforts of rage and not a struggle for concealment, Mr. Blake was unable to pro- ceed. and walked the room with a melodramatic stamp perfectly awful. Really, sir,' said I at last, while I deeply regret any misconception or mistake I have been the cause of, [ must in justice to myself say, that I am perfectly uncon- scious of having misled you. I came here this morning with a proposition for the hand of your daughter in Le!jf of-' Yourself, sir! Yes, yourself. I'll be 110! I'll not swear; :)IIt- but just answer me, if you ever men- tioned one word of Mr. Sparks; if you ever alluded to him till the last few minutes. "I was perfectly astounded. It might he; alas! It was exacdy as lie stated, [u my unlucky effort at ex- treme di licacy, I became only so very mysterious, that i left the matter open tor them to suppose thai the khan of Tartery was in love with Baby. "There was but one course now open. I most humbly apologised for my blunder; repeated, by every expression I could summon up, my sorrow for what had happened and was beginning a renewal of negotiation 'in rt Sparks, when overcome hv his passion, Mr. Blake could he;flr no more, but snatched up his hat, and left the room." AMERICAN ME.M.S. 1 The succession of meals at this most abundantly supplied establishment is such, that with the Exception ot a few hours duringthe dead of night, a man of powerful digestive organs could, with a little management and occasional change of place, easily contrive to blend all the five repasts of the dcv into one. From the earliest breakfast at seven, unt'l the latest supper Ions; after midnight,thereis scarcely ativ ecesatiotl. And yet that most impnrtallt meal of all—that meal at which aldermen trembled while they gaze"—is the only one which in America is hurried over; and hurried over it is with most inhuman haste. All manner of good things are set -Oil, but no time for reflection or selection is alFordecf you. Promptitude of decision is your only chance; no hanging fire permitted — decks cleared — dessert produced, consisting of peaches, pears, apples, j almonds, iced creams, &c. but, alas! the same system is continued— ffohbte, julp, and go, is still the order of the day.- Colune{ Ma:nre!l's Run through the United States. GOD'S GOODNESS. When we witness the many dangers which threaten the springing of the rising corn; whell we reckon up ill ollr thoughts the opposite dangers of drought or moisture, of parching heat or of pinching and untimely cold; the blights which may taint the ear; the wcr.n which may consume the root: and all the other alarms which the husbandman feels or fears, we cannot but be aware that something more than the industry of man is required to make him happy or prosperous, and that it ii good with reason, that in our daily prayers we ask our daily bread" ot (lou since no day in the year can be found in which his blessing is not needed, either to preserve the seed or to prosper the tender stalk; or to fill the ear; or to re- buke the mildew, or the storm, by which the maturer crop is endangered. And, even when the food of many days is waving before our eyes, v,,e cinnot clioo,.c but feel an anx: us joy, a solemn, and in some degree a mournful thankfulness, when we compare our unworthy lives with the unbounded mercy of God; when we recollect how little and how seldom we have thought ofiiiiu, whocareth for us continually and when we tremble, even now, our sins should interrupt the stream of iris mercy,and the improper use which we too often make or plenty, shmdd, even yet, turn our abundance into hunger.—UUhuu lither. RNCSENT J.T\TK or T;IE SAMARITAXS. Since the days of Pocock this sect has gradually dwindled away, and will probably soon become extinct. I I ne Samaritans are now reduced to a very small com- miinity; there being only 30 men who pay taxes, and few, if any, who are exempt; so that then- whole number cannot be reckoned at over 1-18 ouls. One of them is in affluent circumstances; and, having been for along time chief secretary of the ?vlatesellim of Nabullus, became one of the most important and powerful men of the province. lie had recently been superseded in his Influence with the governor by a Copt, and now held only the second place. He was called el-'Ahd es Samary. The rest of the Samaritans arc not remarkable either for their wealth or poverty. The physiognomy of those wc saw was not ewisli nor indeed did we remark in it any peculiar character, as distinguished from that of other natives of the country. They keep the Saturday as their Sabbath with great strictness, all no labolir nor trading, nor even cooking or lighting a fire, but resting from their employments the whole day. On Friday evening they pray in thei- houses; and on Saturday have public prayers in their synagogue at m rning, noon, and evening. They meet also in the synagogue on the great festivals, and on the new moons but not every day. The law is read iti not evei-v Sabbath-day, but only upon the same festivals. Four limes a year they go up to Mount Gerizin (Jabel ct l'ur), in solemn procession to worship; and then they begin reading the I.iwastheys?-ton.and nniRh it above, llie-e seasons are—the feast ot the Pas(lver, when they I)itcli t?'I it upon the mountain aH night, and sncrince spven??tubs at s'mset: the (by of Pentecost; the feast of Tabernacles, when they sojourn here in booths built of branches of the arbutus; and. lastly, the great day of Atonement in autumn. They still maintain their ancient hatred agrunst the JewL, accuse them of departing from the law in not sacrificing the Passover, and in various other points, as well as of corrupting the ancient text; and scrupulously avoid all connection with them. OMINOUS OCCURENCES. It is c m-ncn for the philosopher (and we refer to 1 Guizot's Laiures on Civilization t'^r authority",) to divide society into f,)iir elemetits-tile Monarchical. Aristocra- tical, Commercial, and }:clesiatical. The I"isbtnre is included in the first-the territorial and military pover in the second—the money interest in the third— and the Church in the fourth. Now each of these four depart- ments has had its representative building or de- stroyed by fire since the year 1831-. And the buildings have been so phi/csoj>bic(illii selected by the devouring clement, that Guizot himself, with all his learning and diplomatic sagacity, could not have made a better cJcc- tion. The Parliament Ilouse, which was destroyed in was the representative of the legislative and poli- tical power of the country. A palace, being merely a private residence, would not have been adapted lor such a representative sacrifice. It was the only building in the country which could represent the supreme power, and it was annihilated. Next c ime the R)yiJ E:u:hange —and no other building in the country, nay, in the world, could compete with it as the representative of Mammon, the god of wealth and of individual selfishness. It also suffered—and not a vestige was left of the ancient structure. Next came the conflagration of York Cathe- dral, the finest archiepiscop d cathedral in the country— •ilia material sense the hrst. its destruction, however, was only partial: it was "saved, but so as by fire," as the Church itself expects to be saved. La ;t ot all comes the Armoury of the Tower. No other armoury, no other budding in the country, could so well represent the milie tary, feudal, and aristocratical power of society as this: its destruction is total. Here, then, are the four elements of society, symb hcally consumed by fire since the year ofsoc i in the following order:— The Monarchical, the Commercial, the lh c'esiastical, and Aristocratical. If this do not alarm the Oineiutes, what can ? They could net have obtained more striking omens if they themselves iiad made the selection and applied the torch to the fated bui.dings. If the reader inquire what we mean to irgue irons tins, v»e answer, Nothing at all." We clou t mean to argue — we are merflv writing our "Review of the Week." It is a bit of in: cresting gossip; and we may finish it by saying, til t, on Thursday -last, the City was alarmed by the report that the Gnildhall was on fire! The report was true. The roof was pifrtly injured hv the flames, wdiich were, however, fortunately extinguished. Now this would have represented.the destruction of the municipal, had it been burnt. I'nt then the philosophers includ:* the municipal in the commercial; so that the fire was not altogether necessary, and therefore it did not insist upon the- destruction of the Guildhall. I)-tit it gIN,e the Aldern :en notice to quit notwithstanding; and they did quit, too-. Iffire continue manifest such unequi. vocal proofs of philosophical acumen, we should not be surprised if the Are worship were soon restored, for there is sonieth.ing exceedingly intelligent in the pyrological ati_airs of the cojntry f.'r the last seven years, even up to the false alarm at Guildhall on Thursday last. But in our d ssertation upon fire we must not forget the number of churches which have been burnt within the last two years. York Cathedral was most conspicuous, but it had numerous f llow-victims, both in England and Scotland. These we need not enumerate, but the list is very great; and one Scotch town lost three of h: places of worship in one night. Nor is it vulgar or common fire alone that produces these alarming conflagrations, but the Prome- thean fire itelf. direct from heaven, has assisted in the work of destruction, as if to show to the hesitating mind, that all the rest had a providential origin. Only a few weeks ago, Liverpool had two of her churches struck by tier c l iurc l ,es struck by lighning, and one of the spires cleft in twain. The Four Powers are evidently in a crisis. The very same sort of events happened at the time of Luther's Reformation; and when some of the Omenites of that day expressed their concern to his holiness upon the s ibiect, Leo hup;hed, al1(I called them old wompn. and told them to repair the mischief that the elements had done: but more mischief was soon after done than the monks have been able to repair. IT ore. We should hope i'of cverythi. g that i> good, sa\ the t old poet Sinus, necause there irahing but what may be hoped gods arc able to give us. Hope quickens nil the still narts of life, and keeps de mind awake in her 1110f:t remiss and iLùolcn hours. It is a kind ot vital heat in the sou! that cheers and ¡;1:HldclIs her when she does lifft attend to it. It makes pain easy and labwur pleasant. When Caesar hail given away all his estate in gratuities to his friends, one of them asked him what he had left for himself, to which that great man answered, Hope. CHINESE IDEA OF DEATH. I A Chinese convicted of a crnil lIIurdcr had been sen- tenced to he transported for life. His friends, who sought to procure a mitigation of his punishment solicited Pro- fessor Kidd to use his supposed influence, as an English- man, with the Governor, on hehalf of the criminal. He urged, however, the aggravated nature of the offence as a reason why he could not conscientiously ask any such thing, even if he were sure of success; and suggested that it might be a matter of thankfulness that the criminal was not hanged. The latter immediately replied, tint he considered this a severer punishment than death; for, in that case, his parents, who were living, could have performed his funeral rites, and the usual offices at the tomb; but that lie would new he deprived of that com- fort, while they would also be totally cut oil' from all in- tercourse with their son after death, as well as in life. THE EDITOR'S STRATAGEM. We believe it is not true, as has been stated, that Mr. Hook was the editor of the John Bull from its commence- ment. lIe was, in conjunction with Mr. Croker, of the Admiralty, one of its earliest contributors; but it was not until some time afterwards that its sole management was intrusted to his care. He in some measure changed its character, greatly retrenching its personalities, and was more anxious to render it remarkable for quiet and ii offensive humour, than to sustain its reputation for keen satire and scandalous stories. With all his circum- spection; however, he was sometimes involved in awkward positions by the responsibilities of editorship, but wdiich he contrived to ccar" with his accustomed tact, often making the mode of his deliverance serve as an admirable jest. On one occasion a thin-skinned gentleman, who conceived 1Ji, conduct had been commented all with too much ireedom, called at the Bull offic:, and inquired tor the editor. The publisher, guessing his errand from the fierceness of his demeanour, and the stout horsewhip he held in his hand, informed the choleric gentleman tint the editor was not then at the ollice, but might probabiy be seen at twelve o'clock next day. Punctually at the appointed hour, the getitlcnian, horsewhip in hand, ar- rived, and was shown upstairs into an empty room. After waiting some minutes in anxious suspense, the door .-Jowly opened., and a fine young fellow, of Herculean proportions, entered the room in his shirt sleeves. The courage of Lhe visitor at once sank below zero at such, at- unexpected apparition, and he civilly inquired of the young giant before hit;) if he was the editor. P-edad, I am the edithur," was the reply in a strong Irish accent, "at your sarcice."—" said the gentleman, trembling in every limb as he saw the fellow cooliy tuck up his shirt sleeves, display arms that would have felled an ox without difficulty-, and then spit in hi: Iumds as he clenched them, and placed himself in a fighting attitude, ("Impossible! you can't be the editor." Hut the reply was sti'l the same, Faith I am the edithur, at your sarcice," the last word being delivered very significantly. The visitor, utterly panic-struck, retreated towards the door as the "edithur" advanced, then abandoned his horsewhip, and rushed precipitately out of the house, leavh.T Hook, who h-»d been a witness to the scene, in a closet of the room, half suffocated with langht.u' at the success of his stratagem. i.ovi; AND VENGEANCE. Two young persons of the same tribe loved each other, and were betrothed in marriage: their passion was open and avowed, and known to all their trier.ds, who had con- sented to their union, and even fixed the period for its celebration. It happened one evening that they met, accidentally, alone, but in sight of all ti e tents: they stopped a moment to speak to each other, and were on the point of passing on, when the brothers of the pari per- ceived it, rushed out, with arms in their hands, to avenge their LI''i",)e young man to"k to flight, and escaped with a musket-wound; but the poor ?Irl received five b:d!s in her body, besides being mangied by the d.T?ers of her own brothers, who had rimed to plunge them in her heart; and when she. fell, they abandoned her carc':s? to the dogs! The young man gained the tent of a poA-erful fricnd, ?he chief of another tr'hp, encamped near them, and told his story; begging that he would assist him with a troop of horse, to enable him to rescue the body of his love trom its present degradation. He •yet;r, accompanied by some of his own people, and found He then repaired to the tent of her enraged brothers, and asked them why they had done tins t They replied, that they could not suffer their sioter to survive tne loss of her honour, which had been stained by 11, stcpp;ng to talk with hoi intended husband, on the public road, before her marriage. The lover demanded her body for burial; when her brothers, susoecdng the motive, exclaimcd, 11 is she not yet lifeless?—then we will finish this work of deato;" and were rushing out tr. exec lite tikiI' purpose, wileo t'ne youth caused the troop of horsemen, sent to aid his purpose, to appear, and threatened instant death to him wl'.o should, first stir to interrupt his design. The young girl w as conveyed to his tent, and, after a series cf kind attentions, slowly re- covered. During her illness, the distracted lo-er, now erpelled from his own tribe, came, under cover of the night, to see her; ant!, weeping over her wounds, con- tinually regretted that he. had. ,o base as to seek his >afc;y in flight, and not* to have' died in (efeiiditi,, her. She as heroically repiled, '• No, no! It is my highest happiness taat I have suffered, and that you have escaped; we shall both live, and heaven yet bless us with many pledges oi our lasting love." i'ius really happened; the girl recovered, was married to her impassionate swain, anil they are still lnih alive, wi th a numerous family of children. So romantic a tale of love, jealously, revenge, fidelity, arid heroism, would have been incredible, were it not that the panics were ail known to Mr. Maseyk, who related it; that he did so in the presence of many other persons b-Jrn in Aleppo, and acquainted by report with the fact; aul that the veracity of the narrator mav be regarded as unquestionable.—Ev.clcvujham's '/ravels in .11 tSu¡Jutam la.

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