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Aberdare County School.

Highland Place Unitarianj…

God is Love.

Aberdare Swimming Baths.

|Elim, Cwmdare.


Elim, Cwmdare. Memorial Stone Laid. The ceremony of laying the Memorial 1Stolic of Elim, Welsh Congregational Chapel, Cwmdare, was performed on Monday after- noon, A large number of members witnessed the ceremony, including the Revs. D. Griffiths (Pastor), T. Edmunds, Hirwain; W. S. Davies, Llwydcoed; J. M. Jones, M.A., Tabernacle; J. Grawys Jones, Ebenezer; J. Richards, Bethel; J. Sulgwyn Davies, Siloh; D. Silyn Evans, Siloah; Siloa D. M. Davies. Bryn-Sion, Cwmbach; H. A. Davies, Moriali, Aman. The mem bers of Elim have for some months been holding their services at Cwmdare School, while their Chapel is being rebuilt. The Rev. D. Griffiths was appointed chairman, and opened the meeting, reading a portion of the Scriptures. Rev. D. Silyn Evans then led in prayer- Mr. Thomas Thomas, one of the old deacons, then gave a brief history of the churches. He had lived, he said, in Cwmdare for 38 years, and had taken deep interest in the church during that time. The Revs. T. Edmunds and W. S. Davies spoke and expressed their great pleasure at being present to show their whole hearted sympathy with Elim church. Then the Chairman, on behalf of the church, presented Alderman J. W. Evans and Councillor Rhys Llewellyn with a silver trowel each. Both of these gentle- men afterwards formally laid the memorial stones, on which were inscribed their names. Alderman Evans said it was a source of great happiness to him to have his name inscribed on a stone which formed a part of God's House. He appreciated the references made by previous speakers to his services on behalf of every good cause better than any worldly gift that could be bestowed upon him. He hoped that the future would give him many more opportunities to do whatever he could for religious causes. In conclusion, Alderman Evans thanked the church for the honour of being asked to lay one of the foundation stones. Mr. Rhys Llewellyn (in welsh) referred to the fact that he had lived at Cwmdare for the last 30 years, and it was with great pleasure that he had come amongst them that day to lay a memorial stone in a chapel at Cwm- dare. No fear need be entertained of erecting new chapels at Cwmdare. There is plenty of coal in the Bwllfa, he said, even if the present output was doubled, to last for another 200 years. During the time he had been at Cwmdare, the number of houses and population had doubled, and it was not at all improbable that the present population would again double in the next 30 years. The Rev. D. Griffiths then thanked Alderman Evans and Councillor Llewellyn for their services there that day, and for their splendid gifts of XT.) 15s. each towards the fund. Mr. Griffiths further stated that in all t603 lis. had been promised towards the re-building fund.- t546 7s. 6d. already received. Other SUillS collected reached 4:142, giving a grand total of £ 688 lis. 6d. The Rev. H. A, DaYieS terminated the meeting in prayer.
