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t[TIHIE tt¥IEIRL!IMj| NEWPORT, FRIDAY, JUNE 30, 1843. THE STATE OF SOUTH WALES. The events at Carmarthen, the riotous movements generally, and the disaffected state of the public mind parts of South Wales, confirm the lamentable *^edi<;tions we have thought it our duty from time hme to put forth, touching the alarming state of ls district, as well as the deep-rooted causes of the urhulence and distress. We say it advisedly that the present outbreak is no toere surface agitation, caused by the efforts of few demagogues, but a fixed, serious, and general t, ^ung of despair and hostility towards the Govern- and the governing classes, who have brought 11 such a state of things. *ruly the Conservative Government has much answer for. No well-disposed peaceable man ^uld be willing to change places with Sir Robert eel at the present moment-with the minister boose policy has given rise to such general distur- ances, and who has the task of setting all these Matters to rights. We shall speak our minds freely L, this subject. Toll-bar gates inconvenient as ey are, Onward as we roll, a Surgit amari aliquid—the toll," u poor-law bastilles as they are rhetorically de- bated, oppressive and harsh as they may be, are lhe sole causes of Rebecca tumults and mid- ?'ght assemblages. Destitution, fixed and hopeless, main cause. <Wk-rents, low-prices, unabated land charges taxes, increased poor-rates, insecurity of tenure, function between master-farmer and his labourers, i good old fashioned patriarchal bond of union 4 y^een them, subsisting from year to year, undis- "ed, ere cash-payment formed the sole bond be- een man and man these, and the system of hi- j ^8 by the week, wretched, alienated, agricultural "°Urers, careless what becomes of them and their ^ilies, after the Saturday night's wages have dis- ^arged the debt to them, are a few of the causes of J agrarian outrages. On the other hand, the to- ll. s^agriation, we may almost say, annihilation of e iron trade, has reduced our town and mining Rations. who are mutually dependent on each Other, to the verge of ruin, and thrown the wild and reckless into the ranks of the disaffected. If it be answered that in tracing this gloomy Picture we are adverting to causes over which Sir "bert Peel has no control, and that we are cul- "le in ascribing to him a state of social distress J-'nediable by no legislation we distinctly deny e inference. 8 Jlithe first plase he has kept up the corn-laws, in ^an^orc^s have a ground for not lower- their rents, and at the same time he has taken ay the people's only chance of becoming con- 0 allrllers by strangling their trade with foreign coun- i es. e has laid an export duty on coal, which ill ^ishcd consumption. He has rejected 0~. °ff«rs of a free trade with America, and so cut 0commerce of 100,000 tons of iron, inflicting the unfortunate miners a blow which, coupled th increased production and competition of the Scotch iron districts, has literally extinguished ern, Tj fit policy has thus thrown numbers of men out (wj^ployment, and decreased the amount of agri- i)a Ula^ Pr°duce required, whilst the tithes which « e been very generally commuted, under c ^ate Tithe Commutation Act, and which were alculated on the former price of agricultural pro- HCe> now remain a fixed burden on the land; the of produce has decreased one third and some- lt*ies one half, whilst rents have not fallen in any whatever. Rumours indeed have reached us th re^uc^ons *n rents, but in almost all instances, farms had previously been held at rack rents. *el,e re^uct^on was merely nominal, and afforded no j0 to the tenants. In point of fact, the land- 8 cannot afford it—they are deeply mortgaged, la People of Wales, if the present state of things s we fear, be reduced to live on as low a Pecies of food as the Irish—indeed that they will lately be brought to this state, can scarcely be ubted, if the policy of our rulers be not speedily haJ?ged. £ he times require a government and measures to het the to rights, very different from what they found. If Parliament, with its strong majo- y of a hundred upholders of monopoly, sit still, assing lownshend Peerage Bills, and Princess Au- *1 s^a Annuity Bills, and Irish Arms Bills, and de- ^?r,ng that all its resources are exhausted that its v^°m can devise no further cure for the national fth l^sia—if Sir James Graham's conciliation is at 5 end, and Lord Aberdeen's toleration for the o cottish church is vanished if Sir Robert Peel, to Lord Palmerston declare it impossible th ^reve°t nine thousand landlords from screwing 0|5ee pounds per acre out of three or four millions ^i P°tatoe-fed Irish peasantry, if the principality w its hardy, fierce, and reckless population of jj ^ers and colliers, be driven to resort to Rebecca Co S' and midnight legislation, we may deplore the in nsequences but cannot stultify ourselves by say- these were either unforeseen or unavoid- <je ^°ng as the Whigs were in office, it is won- rful what trifling measures of reform served to ^eeP the people quiet, so long as the least thing done or proposed that had the look of progress, th t ey were doing something in short—hope 0 kept tL Jjg6 passes in order. But now that the call of halt! een heard, and it is felt that if nothing was 0f \ast year, less will be done this," the measure jj. heir patience is well nigh exhausted, and the of tlIs.^er must be content to rule by the expedient Military coercion, or march with the age towards better state of things. That he may chose the and the better course, is our sincere wish. ^re closing these few remarks, we would give one s of advice to the working classes—advice the Ma?1 °f which it: is the duty of j°urnalists> who tjji over the rights and interests of the people, at Pro Crisisi particularly and emphatically to c0, ^dge. Let them seek redress only by ^tftutional means physical force movements ate ays unsuccessful in this country, and frequently by .,t^e best cause—outbreaks are easily crushed e law—thousands of Rebeccaite rioters were ful other day put to terror stricken flight by a hand- fatigued soldiers, and events nearer home not Up years ag°> to which we shall not more par- Ularjy allude, showed the madness of a rebellious .PlPeal to arms. Let the people shun as they would oo^son cursed with a plague spot, him that would °sel them to revolt Let them petition (and they tjjVe s«en that petitions are sometimes effective) for repeal of laws destructive to trade let them Plo C c°mmon cause with their embarrassed em • lj in constitutional efforts against the monopo- policy our rulers, and let them remember HCn ti"ie Parliamenlary elections arrives, Of 0.have been the friends and who the oppressors people.

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Family Notices