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----------To the EDITOR of…


Family Notices





Clrief. We most tegret bis Can, as his administration was worthy of much praise for its scrupulous adherence <o the constitution, but nobody can palliate the inbu- manity of his latest act in the Peninsula, the bombard- went of Seville-a deed that will always be a dark stain upon his memory. STRIKE or THE Copri-i'.MP.We regret to state, that up to the period of going to press, we cannot ascertain that any progress towards a settlement be- tween the cornermen and their employers has been made. The workmen have not met in large bodies in the last few da vs. as was the case at the. commence- ment of the strike, but have been collected ill small groups, in the neighbourhood of the Works, and 111 the town. Thev have also been soliciting contributions from the public, but we have not ascertained with what degree of success. Since our last publication, W, have" bad an opportunity of ascertaining, from parties connected with the Hafod Works, that the fines levied upon th« men. of which mention has been made. ha* e not amollnted. at that Works, to 2s. per week, on the average of the last three months, on a weekly amount of wages of nearly 5001., and Unit the whole of the proceeds of such fines have invanabl.v been ap- propriated to the sick-fund, and applied for the benefit of the men during illness. These fines are represented to be indispensably necessary for ensuring proper attention to the work. and as the only means of prevent- ing serious losses, to which the processes are peculiarly liable from want of care. It has also been stated to us, in reference to the complaint that the men are com- polled to smelt, as a ton of ore, a considerably greater weight, that the extra weight which is added to the tools simply to cover the tare of the box, in which the ore is carried, and of the water with which it is necessarily wetted, and that it has been found jby experiment at the Hafod Works, and also from the result of the working of years, that this allowance is by no means equivalent to the moisture contained in the ores, but that the men have always been paid for smelting a considerably larger quantity of ore than has ever been operated on. In reference to the state- ment, that the wages announced as those which the coppermen had been earning were the highest wages which they could receive, it is observed, that undoubt- edly the highest wages had been stated, and that any loss of time arising from absence, or any other cause. would have to be deducted, but at the same time that these wages are readily attainable by workmen In fair health under ordinary circnmstances, and that on the other hand. the receipts of the men, from the discharging of vessels, the employment of children, and other sources, which form a considerable addition to their earnings, have not been calculated on. We sincerely trust that, in Our next publication, we may be able to announce that the men have returned to their work, and that the trade of the town and port will not con- tinue much longer at a stand. HEBECCA- ÅS far as Glamorganshire(is concerned, this lady has been pretty qniet during the last week. We have heard of no additional pates having been destroyed. The authorities are still on the alert and we understand, that several mounted and other polire nightly watch the various toll-gates in the ..e.ghbourliood. One n««ht last week, the patrol which watched the Pomfald, and one or two other Gower gates, heard hfty or sixty Clln shots fired bv the Rebeccaites, who. however. Jul not make their appearance, but the police declare that spies wele sent by Ifebecca's daughters to watch the movements ot the patrol. COMMITTAL OF A FKBKHOLDER ON A CHAISE OF RpBFfrAisM.—The final examination ot Mr. Win. Davies, of Ninivfen a respectable fanner and treehotder, took place at the County gH0,> Carmarthen, on Monday last. The followinc grates we e present :_TheHon.G R. Trevor, ]\1 P D. A- S. Davies, Esq., M.P., J. E. Saunders, J. l». Phiiions Grismond Philipps, Daniel Prvthero, Esqrs.. and T Jones' Esq., M-D- Reporters and the public were, we understand, excluded from this, as well as fiom the previous examination#. Mr. Lewis Morris, the prisoner's solicitor, was allowed to he present, but not to cross-examine the witnesses for the prosecution, or call any for the defence. The charge against the prisoner is to the effect—" that he, in company with divers other evil-disposed persons, riotously and tumnltnously assembled together, to the endangerinent of the peace of onr Sovereign Lady the Queen, feloniously demolished, pulled down, and destroyed the dwelling-house of one Griffith Bowen, toll-collector, Penygarn, in the parish of Llanegwad, county of Carmarthen, and wiih having also unlawfully and maliciously levelled and destroyed the toll, gate there situated." On the magistrates intimating their intention of committing the prisoner, bail to the amount of 4000L was offered for his appearance, which was refused, He was consequently sent to gaol. We understand the evidence consists chiefly of some remarks made nse of by Mr. Davies in conversation, which, it is alleged, correspond with occurrences which took place at the destruction of the Mll-ho«se and gate, and which could not be known excepting by a person who had been present at the time. Mr. Davies's friends, on the other hand, say that evidence can be adduced which will completely exculpate him. MORE MILITARY.—On Sunday, a meeting of the Connty Magistrates was held in this town. The decision to which the Town Connoil had come 10 on the preceding Friday, "not to erect temporary barracks, si3 no additional troops were required," was taken into ceiislderaUo". The magistrate^ came to a conclusion that more troops were required for the protection of the public lliatl are at present stationed in the town. It was agreed, that a letter setting forth that opinion should be forwarded to Colonel Love. —[Colonel Love, we understand, halt been appointed on the Staff of fhe Army, nnll is to have the Monnionthshire and South Wales districts under his command. This appoint- ment has given general satisfaction.] KIDWELLY AND THRhE COMMOTTS TKUBTS.—A Cor- respondent of the Morning Chronicle says, At the last meeting of these Trusts, the trustees agreed to a resolution that there were certain giievances to be redressed, and that they would redress them." It was then resolved that on the Kidwelly trust thirteen gates were obnoxious, and that on the Three Commotts trust there were ten gates which required removing, as being oppressive and grievous. The Clerk had orders to give the necessary legal notice of the meeting on the 26th inst., to have these gates removed. Not the least singular tact at this meeting (to which, by-the-by, reporters tor the public press tcere/or the first time admitted) was, that many of the Magistrates were unaware of the ex- istence of so many g*tes oil the road, and appeared perfectly astonished when they heard them enumerated, and saw them marked on the map prepared f>r the purpose." THE HIOTS IN WALM —Mr. Hall, the Chief Magis- trate of Bow-street, returned to town on Monday morning from Wales, and shottyafterwardsproceeded 'o the Home Office to produce the evidence and the result of his inquiries to Sir J. Graham. During the last week, upon some labourers arriving at Gileston, in thi" county, from the opposite co^st, for the purpose of being employed in cettiiii; in the harvest, a combination of the workmen of the above parish and the adjoining one of Saint Athan, took place, for the purpose of preventing them from doinir so, as they were determined, they 8iÍli, "that no Englishman should be employed in getiing in the ciops." The farmers, however, VI erf" not to be intimidated, and they immediately sent information to the police of what was eoing forward who were promptly on the spot, and by the judicious management of Sergeant Banner and others, the principal instigators were induced to attend before the Rev. Mr. Edwardes, of Gileston, who kindly listened to what they had to say. and expostulated wtth them. as to the injury they inflicted on the fanners, in depriving them of the assistance ot thotte men in a season which promised to he so precaiions as the present, and forcibly laid before them the folly and illegality o! their conduct, and ardently begged of them to break up i|)e combination, and return peaceably to their labour. They were at once struck with the reasoning ot* the Reverend Gentleman, and separated peaceably. Thus, by the timely and kind interference of the Reveiend Gentleman, and the judicious conduct of the police, an affair which once wore a serious aspect was amicably adjusted, and a breach ot the peace prevented. SWANSEA HARBOUR.— A meeting- of the Harbour Trustees washetd at the TowlI-Rall. on Monday last. There were present, tbo Mayor in the chair, Mr. C. Jaines, Mr. Essery, Mr. T. Walters, Mr. Richardson, Mr. Williams, Mr. Vivian, M.P., Mr. O. H, Williams, Air.- W. H. Smith, and Mr. Joseph Martin. It was proposed by Mr. Smith, se- conded by Mr. Jaines, and agreed to, that "Mr. Hall be directed to communicate with Mr. Waddle, for the purpose of ascertaining what sum he wonld take for providing accom- modation tor the passing and repassing ot the public during the period of building the bridge."—Mr. Hall then pre- sented a report on the sure of the New Cut, according to the direction of the Trustees at the la^t meeting. The re- port contained several suggestions for preventing the damage liable to lie sustained by the sides ot the cut from the next high tides. After a conversation relative to the ne- cessity of deepening the upper part uf the river as early as possible, in which severai gentlemen took part, Mr. Richard- son moved the following tescintion, which was seconded by Mr. Martin, and agreed to unanimously: That should circumstances arise to induce the working Committee to prevent the water fiom coming into the cut, that all the d sposable barges be employed in deepening the river as much as possible above the cut, before the winter."—A con- versation then took place respecting the dispute between the Harbour Trustees and Mr. Dillwyu, sen about the light to a spot ot land near the Pottery. No lesolutiotl was passed upon the subject, and as it has been under discussion at various former meetings, which have been reported in the Cambrian, it is unnecessary to gi»e the purport ot the con- versation now. The meeting then separated. HEU MAJESTY'S MAKIVK KXCUKSION.—Since the arrival of the Earl of Haddington, the First Lord of the Admiralty, and Captain Lord Adolphtis Fitzcla:ence, the commauder of the Royal yacht, at Windsor Castle, upon a visit to her Majesty, all the necessary arrangements have been made connected with the marine excursion of the Queen and her Illustrious Consort, during the sojourn of the Court at Brighton. Her Majesty is expected to proceed from Windsor to the Royal Pavilion, on Monday, the 28th instant. The Black Eagle steam-vessel will be one of the Bquadion which will >ccompany the Royal yacht. There is. now very little doubt that her Majesty will honour Ply- mouth, and probably Pembroke Dockyard, with a visit during the Royal tiip. It is likewise "expected that the Queen and her Illustrious Consort will honour the Earl and Countess Cawdor with a shoit visit, at their mansion, Stack- pole Court, in the county of Pembroke. It will be remem- betred that at the launching ot the Victoria and Albert yacht, at Pembroke, on the 26th of Ap-il last, it was christened, at the Queen's express desire, by the Countess ofCawdor SWAJVSKA FAIR.—At this fair held on Tuesday, but little business was transacted. The horses a:.d wool sold realized hut low prices. It will be seen by bur advertising colmnns, that a new Infant Day School will be opened on Monday next, in the increasing and populous village of Sketty. By the list of subscribers, it appears this excellent Institution has met with the geperons support of the gentry of the village and neighbourhood, and it is hoped the especial appeal of the Committee made on its behalf will be responded to by all who are anxious to see the young enjoying the advantages ot It useful and religions education. The Duke and Duchess of Beaufort have taken their departure for Germany, with the intention of remaining abroad until the commencement, so it is said, of the hunting season. Lieutenant-Colonel Worrull, of Bristol, has been appointed to the command of the Caval, y of Sir Charles Napier's force, in Lower Scinde. SWANSKA POLICE COMMITTI-K.—This Committee as- sembled on Friday last. Mr. Walker made a complaint against several of the Horoogh Police, for leaving their beats, tor the purpose of attending noon Captain Napier, the chief constable of the county, while the Rural Police, whose duty it vvn> to attend upon their chief, were idle.—Mr. Benson said that he, as a borough magistrate, had desired Mr. Attwood to send some of the police to execute orders, as he (Mr. B.) thought he had a right to do anything calcu- lated to preserve the peace. They conld not have been detained mote tilan a few minutes from their beats.—Mr. Walker said that Mr. Benson had no idea of the extent to which it was carried. While the officprs were running about robberies might take place.—Mr. Michael thought the police bound to execute the orders of a Magistrate.—Mr. Benson thought the complaint one of extreme puerility, and scarcely worth mentioning.—The. conversation, after a few further observations from several gentlemen, dropped.—A discus- sion then ensued respecting Jones, the informer against the parties committed oil a charge of being concerned in the Rebecca riots. Since the information was given, it appears this individual has been living in the Inspector's room at the station-house.—Messrs. Glover, Smith, and Walker, objected to keeping him in the station-house to the obstruc- tion of business. If it were necessary to keep him in cus- tody, either for protection or to ensure his attendance as a witness, they contended that he should be sent to the House of Correction.—Messrs. Benson and R. M. Philippe defended the Magistrates, who had ordered him to be kept in the station-house.—The Mayor thought the gentlemen who had made the complaint only wished to have a hit at the Magistrates. The meeting then separated. SWANSBA POLICE.—Before the Mayor.—Jeremiah Phillips was chaiged with having stolen a rule. The com- plainant did not appear to prefer the charge. The prisoner said he had taken it for a mere lark. The Mayor said it was a very foolish lark, and fined hiip 5s. for drnnkenness.— Rlioda Thomas was committed to the Honseof Correction, for drunkenness and conduct tar from polite and lady-like.—- Several other persons, of both sexes, were bronght up on charges of drunkenness, each of whom were discharged after a reprimand from the Mayor. On Tuesday night last, the powder Magazine on Crumlyn Burrows was broken open, but the robbers did not succeed in carrying away any portion of the property. BURGLARY.—Late on Friday night last, the cottage ot John Howell, watchman in the Middle Bank Works, was entered. The robbers effected an entrance by forcing open the door with an iron baror some similar instrnment. They ransacked the drawers, in one of which they found the sum ot 4/. 14., 9d. With this they decamped, feeing the savings otamanwithatargefamity. RAILWAY A CCIDENT.—On Tuesday last, a poor man, whose name we could not learn, employed on the Llanelly and Pontardulais Railway, met his death near the terminus ot the i ail way at Brvnamman. The wheel of&ie of the waggons ran over him obliquely from the knee to the upper P-m ot the body, and cut him most severely. The poor enow expired soon after the accident occurred. i °'i ^Yed"esday morning last, the town and neigh- bourhood of Cardiff was visited with a short bnt severe ■innder siorm, but happily without the loss of life. A portion of a hayrick, about two miles out of town, was estroyed, and the pine-end of a house thrown down. THP. HARVEST.—We are happy to report that the weather, since our last, has been on the whole favourable, although occasional showers have fallen. Harvest has com- menced in several places in the neighbourhood, although by no means general. N Kw WHEAT—The first sample of new wheat for the season wasexhibited in Bristol market on Thursday se'nnight by Mr. Shipton, ofClevedon, and it was considered remark- ably fine. It is called The Glory of the west," and is the same sort as that which gained the prize at the agricultural show at Bristol. STOCK OF IRON.—The Monmouthshire Merlin, cor- recting a statement which it had made says,—" In the Merlin of last week we said that there was at that time 75,000 tons of iron on our wharfs. We have been requested to state that the stock on hand in this port is not so great, and that it does not exceed 35,000 tons, inclusive of 11,000 tons held on speculation by an individual." It affords us the highest satisfaction to announce, that the Iron Trade of South Staffordshire has shown symp- toms of improvement dining the past week.—We under- stand that Mr. Foster, of Stourbridge, has put four pud- dling-fnrnaces in blast which had previously been closed, and that an extensive order for castings has been received at Gospel Oak Works.—Aris's Birmingham Gazette. FIIIE DAMP.—On the morning of Wednesday se'n- night, as the men were about to go to work in the Dutfryn colliery, at Aberdare, an explosion of the destructive gas popularlv known as fire damp, took place, by which mnch injury was done to the pit am] the surrounding houses, but happily there was no lo«s of human life. BANKRUPTCY OF HARFORD, DAVIES, AND Co.—At a meeting of the creditors, held on Tuesday at Bristol, it was determined to continue in force the resolution of the former meeting for keeping on the great iron works of the late firm untif some further decision may be come to. This decision is of vital importance to the population ofShhowy and Ebbw Vale, whose means of subsistence depend upon the employ- ment to be thus continued. CHARTIST LECTURE.—During the week bills were posted' Announcing tbat a Chartist Lecture would be delivered at oor Trades Hall, which was refused. The place of lecture was then stated to be the Pig-inarket, the use of which was also refused. At last the lecture came off near the Louk-out-house last night. Mr. Edwards, baker, occcpled the chair. The lecturer, who is in Iheemploy of Feargos O'Connor, introduced his subject, which was—"The' Wrongs of Britain"—by a review ot the conduct toward* the people of the Tories and the Wbi;;s, boib of whom were equall" censured. The Tories first had it, all they were the elder brethren" in iniquity. References were made to lift blood spilled at Waterloo, Peterloo, and at different times in Ireland, and to the conduct of the Wbii<s after the passing of the Helorni Bill, which was curried on the peoples shoulder*. Thecooductofthe Whiijs WHS further shown by their treatmentof the Dorchester titbourfr" and the Glasgow cotton-spinners. Thehe wholly arose from legislation being confined to the wealthy few, who eould treat the working classes like slaves. If the sallow countenances and sunken eves of the manufacturers were looked at, or the emigrant vessel, or the hundreds going out in the con- vict ship, we might see the signs of misrnle- The Duke of Wellington, the wholesale butcher." was then drawn over the cowls. Reference was made to his refusing to have an interview wilii the deputation in behalf of the Paislev weavers, lest the I. Iwrrihle miscreant" should he induced to gire a trifle out of his purse. Theexpendilure ofCoverntneot was then commented upon:-Fifty millions of sovereigns were annually wrung from John Bull, and thrown into the cesspool of unheard extravagance. The expenses of Royalty, which were staled to be 470,OOiU. annually, were then commented npon, which went to slIpport Lords and Ladies of the Bedchamber, Master of the Morse, and Grooms of the Stnle, and other 10m fooleries." The lecturer stated that there was one item, which, as a teetotaller, be greatly objected 10-2,5().J/. fur ale and beer, wines a,Ooof.. &0" whicb. at the greatest tippler would acknowledge, was enungh for one lillle woman." Themtention of the audience was then called to the quantity of gUss broken by the Royal Household, as ;3,000'. was annually required for glass and chrvstal. Britain's wrongs" were further i'lustrated by a reference io the pensions granted 10 Ollierenl Members o! the Royal Familv, King of Ihe Belgians, Dukeot Cambridge, his daughter, the King of Hanover, 3i).000/. for Prince Aiberl, the IIISI German importation. The long list of pensioners were among the next contributors 10 Britain's wrongs they were enumerated ill detail, and their pensions named lo the amazed audience. The lecturer then came to the church, the nrtnv, and the tuvy —Many of the ofliccrs from the laller of which, after finding their trade of throat-cutting fail, the floly Gliost would move them, nnd they would consent to spend the remainder of their days in the cure of oouls. for the trifling consideration of one or two thousand pounds." The next branch of expettdimrocensarpd, were the law appointments which added to Br.tain's wrongs many brainiest*- and briefless barrister* !„ £ appobiled to offices when tlteir brains, if left to follow llieir profession, would not ■' salt their porridge. The lecturer then proceeded to remark upon the Jewish polity, the whole of which was in contrariety to the present slate of affairs. He also quoted largely from the Bible in support of his views and then came to the remedy fur" Britain's wrongs, which was the People's Charter," which he advised them to strive for, and "no surrender," an it would require no greater exertion to get than any individual right, while that would enable them to procure all rights. Until that would be got, they would remain slaves, and utiles* they "woDld work out their own political salvation, they deserved their fate." The chairman announced another lecture for next Thursday. The meeting then dispersed. There yvere from one to two thousand persons present. THE CHESHIRE MURDER.—On Friday last two brothers, nanit d John and Samuel Maddoeks, were brought before Lowten Lowten and John Lvon, Esqrs., Justices of the Peace, at the Police-oilice, lit Norlcv, on the borders of DelaUlere Forest, 011 a charge of having murdered iWatbias Bailey, gamekeeper 10 George NVilbraham, Esq., of Delamere lio'ise, on the morning ot (he i81h IIf.. in the barbarous manner heretofore described. Tbe case wxs conducted by Mr. Baker, the Specitd High Cou- stoble of the Tarflole." district, through whose activity thepr)- soners WHe arrested, and II strong chain of circumstantial evi- dence obtained against them. There were thirteen witnesses examined on the occasion, and their evidence was to the effect that, on the night preceding the murder, the prisoners, one of whom was armed with a gun, were seen to walk in the direction of Crowton, where the deed was committed. On the following morning, about four o'clock, a small farmer, who lives in the neighbourhood, beard the report of a gun, and, on looking towards the place whence the sound proceeded, saw a man, whoni. after a considerable hesitation, he staled to be the pri- SOller John. miming towards the forest, and Bailey, the unfortu- nate deceased, in rapid pursuit of him. He further stated that he heard n'lilev exclaim, Eh, John? f kno* thee In about an Lour after that time some person who happened to be in the neighbourhood saw both the prisoners roming from the scene of the murder, and observed that one oftbem was armed with a gun, and thai the other was, apparently, In a wet, dirty condition. When the prisoners were apprehended, John denied that he had borrowed a gun, although it was distincily proved that he had, while Samuel denied that he had been near tbe forest prior to while Samuel denied that he had been near the forest prior to six o'clock on the morning of the occurrence, although it was as distinctly proved that he was there two hours before. It lop. peared thai both tbe prisoners, who are elderlv men, and well- known poachers in the neighbourhood, bad long been on terms ofdistureement with thedeHeated. in consequence of his having delected them in the act of poaching on some occasions. After an examination which laded upwards of four hours, both the prisoners were committed 10 Chester Castle to take their trials on the capital charge at the next Assises. Several witnesses were bound over 10 prosecute, and Mr. Baker was complimented very highly for the prompt and effective manner in whicb he had aided the ends of justice. The Breconsbire Races will take place this year oa the 13th and 14th of September. The Anniversary of the United Ancient Order of Drnids was celebrated on Tuesday last, at the honse of P.A. James Morgan, Hill's Arms, Hill's Terrace, Cardiff. At ten o'clock a great number of the brethren from the neighbouring lodges in the district attended, and walked in procession to the Engish Independent Chapel, Womanby- street, where a most impressive sermon was preached by IPU J*' James, from 6th chapter Collossians, verse 10. JJie discourse delivered by the Uev. Gentleman was very Impressive and appropriate. On the departure of the "Brethren froip chapel, tliev proceeded through the principal streets of the town, headed by the Oddfellows' band, to i fi o-al 'iWhere they we,e resPectfully received bv J H'c,hanls> who was so pleased with tlie dignified order ot the procession, and the principle of the order, that he could not resist his usual good cheer to be administered amongst those, whom (to make use of his own words) were friends to themselves, to their wives, and orphans, loval to their Queen, and submissive to the laws of their coiintrv. It was such individuals and such institutions that he, and the gentlemen of ihe county ot Glamorgan, wished to advo- cate, and he was sure (if be was well informed, and he had no doubt of the veracity of his authority), that if all the pro- ductive cldSSCS of thIs conntry were to join in those excellent institutions, we should hear no more of Rebecca or her daughters-we should have no m re disturbances or dis- loyalty amongst the subjects of our most excellent Queen. In conclusion, Mr. Richards drank success to the United Ancient Older of Druids, of which Pre long he should be happy |o enrol himself a member. On their return, the procession went through Crockherbtown, Duke-street St. Mary's, Caroline-street, Riidge-strect, Union-street, Fro- derick-streef, and returned at three o'clock to the Hill's Arms, where a most sumptuous repast was prepared by the worthy hostess, every delicacy of the season being provided. The chair was taken by brother John Alorpis, with brother Thos. Williams, in the vice. The hiliarity of the evening was kept up until eleven o'clock, when the brethren dial persed with their visitors (many of whom there were) all being happy and pleased with the festivities of the day. THE MOSTYN TRSIIMONIAI,— The silver meda! and premium offered (or the best poetical inscription, to be en- graved on the magnifieient candelabrum, manufactured by Messrs. Mortimer and Hunt, of Bond-street, value 1,100 guineas, presented to the Hon. Edward Lloyd Mostyn, of Mostyn, by his constituents, has been awarded to Mr. O. W. •Thomas, of Blackheath. There were 103 competitors. ANCIENT BRITISH CHURCH IN LONDON.—Natives of Wales will he gratified to learn that this very desirable and laudable object has at length been attained through the efforts of the Earl of Powis and Committee. The chapel in Ely-place, Holborn-hill, is engaged by them, and will be opened tor Divine service in the Welsh language by an efficient and eloquent minister, at the end of next month. Loss OF THE SCHOONER HARRIETT.—On Thursday se niiiiiht information of the total loss of the schooner Harriett, Capt. Thomas master, was received. It occurred on the 26th of last month, while on her passage from Caer- narvon for Liverpool, through coming in collision with the Northumberland, a barque ofabout four hundred tons burden, of Alloa, bound from Greenock for North America, and im- mediately sunk in deep water. The crew had a most narrow escape. The account says :—<» Notwithstanding all our vigilance and eare, a large dark object was suddenly seen to be towering above its. In the course of a few moments we came together, and a tremendous crash immediately fol- lowed, when we found to our horror that the vessel was sinking under our feet. Whitst we were running about in utter despair of our lives, a boat was perceived atongside with four men in it, who entreated us to make all speed down the side. and leave the unfortunate ship to her fate, or we should certainly go down with her. We immediately all got into the boat in complete safety, which we found belonging to the barque Northumberland, of Alloa, from Greenock for North America." FATAL ACCIDENTS AT SEA. — As the schooner Com- merce, belonging to St. Ives, was on her voyage from Mil. ford to Glasgow, a youth named Walter Row, aged 11 yealli, fourth son of the late Capt. Henry Row, of the schooner, Grace, was knocked overboard by the main boom, and drowned. At the time of the accident the vessel was run. limg before the wind, with a heavy sea; and in bringing her to, the mainsail split, so that no assistance conld be rendered to the unfortunate youth. The deceased was a worthy lad, and has left a widowed mother with several biothers and sisters to mourn his losg.—Information has been received at Lloyd's of the melancholy loss of the brig Concord. ofTeign- mouth, together with the death of the master, Capt, Reeve*, and one of the seamen, which took place on the mornin<! of Sunday se'nnight, in consequence of her coming ill collision with the John Esdaile,and her sinking almost instantly after- wards. The disaster happened soon after midnight, a few miles off Padstow, the weather at the time being very stormy. The Concord was coal-laden, on her passage from Newport to Teigntnouth. The John Esdaile, which is a large American ship of 600 tons burden, struck the Concord on the larboard bow with tremendous force, completely carrying away all her rigging, nnd running her down into deep water, carrying with her Captain Reeves and a sea- man, who were asleep in their berths, and who perished. The rest of the Concord's crew happily succeeded in saving themselves, by seizing hold of the ropes which bung over the side of the John Esdaile. STATIONS OF WESLBYAN MINISTERS The 100th Conference of the Ministers of the connexion established by the Rev. John Wesley, A.M., commenced at Sheffield on the 26th ult., and the following are the names of the Ministers appointed to the circuits in this locality:— THE BRISTOL DISTRICT. Newport (Monmouthshire)—Nicholas Sibly, Wm. O. Aldoro Charles Hnime, supernumerary • Cardiff-John Rossetl, John Fletcher; William Peanon, 1st, IIUper/lllmerarr. Monmouth—Joshua Wade, Joseph Wilkinson. Abergavenny—James Bartholomew, James Hedges. THE FIRST S'IVTH WALES DISTRICT ( ENGLISH rKEACHING.) •Swansea—John Simons, ThomulI Denham. Merthyr-Tydjil—Wi\\i*m Worth, George Greenwood. BrecOlc- Richard Shepherd, 1st, George Smith. THE SECOND SOUTH WALES DISTRICT (WELSH REACHING). Merthyr-Tydjil—John Davies, Isaac Jenkins. Crlcihowell—David Morgan, Timothy Jones. Cardiff— John LloJd. Lewis Williams, James Jones Morgan Griffith, supernumerary. Brecon—Robert Williams. Llandilo—Robert Williams. Swansea—Thomas Jones, 2d, EbenezerMorgan j Wm. Hughes, supernumerary. ■Aberystmth—Humphrey Jones, Thomas Jones, 3d David Evans, id, supernumerary. FALMOUTH AND EXKTER RAILWAY.— Capt. Moorsom, and some other gentlemen have been making strong efforts to stir up the Cornish gentry within the last week; the resnlt ill, that Lady Bassett has given the land at Pal month, and a mile on towards Penryn, also 5,0001, in cash; the promises of 60,0001. have been received as subscriptions, and this without asking Sir Charles Lemon, and several others who it is known will subscribe. SEVERN IMPROVEMENT.—The first stone of this un- dertaking Was laid at Lincomb, Worcester, on the 4th inst., by J. W. Lea, Esq., in the presence ot Lord Hatherton, some ot the leading members of the Staffordshire and Wor- cestershire Canal Committee, and about 500 workmen. wenty pounds were subscribed for the workmen, and a dinner also took place at the Union, at which Lord Ha- therton presided. In connection with this undertaking, it has been resolved to opeu a subscription for a teslimoniallO Mr. Lea for his exertions to improve the Severn. BARRACKS IN BRISTOL.—In the House of Commons, on Fhiirsday se'niiighf, previous to the commencement of public business, Mr. Henrv lierkeley asked Sir J. Graham, whether there was anv probability of the completion of cer- tain barracks said to be intended at Bristol. He put the question to the lIOn. sent]einal] because he was advised that the continual quartering of troops upon the inhabitants of that ctty was lelt as a grievance.—Sir J. Graham replied, that he was happy to inform the hon. member that the pro- posed barracks would verv sliorilv be constructed, and the grievance which had been felt by the inhabitants of Bristol, would shortly be removed. BRIIISH hos COMPAXY.—In the House of Commons, on Wednesday evening, Air. J. A. Smith moved the second reading of the bill for the reformation of this company the Hon. Gentleman also moved the Committee have leave to sit and report on Monday next; to which an Hon. Member objected, on the ground of some technical informality. — Mr. Gladstone, however, supported the bill, observing that the great wealth and respectability of the parties connected with it lett no doubt that the bill would be productive of mnch benefit in the mining districts; he thought, in such a Case, it would he well to dispense with the strict observance of the usual rules of the House.—The motion was agreed to. Lisrs OF VOTERS.—As the lists are now being ex- hibited on the church doors, it will be well for persons who have occupied houses of the value of 101. a-year, from the 3bt July, 1842. to the 31st July, 1843 (and who have, on or before the 20th July, paid all poor-rates and assessed taxes due on the 6th of April last), to examine such lists and see that their names are not omitted from them. Claims or objections must he sent in on or before the 25th of the present month. A TOKTUNATK TAR.—William Robertson, a veteran sailor, who had braved the ocean for In!1 half a century, unexpectedly came into a fortune amounting to seventy-five thousand pounds, last week, bv the death of an uncle. This foitun.ue man had lately sailed as cook in the Ann, Sliilly. of Sunderland, which (essel was paid off last week by Messrs. Alexander, of Bristol. He is sixty-tive years old, and when asked what he should do with Mich an immense fortune, he replipd-" I have about forty relatives, all of whom will be glad to get some of it, and I shall fake care tosecufe a snog cottage for nivself, in which I may comfortably spend the remainder of my days." A. Room. OUTWITTED.—On Wednesday evening, a pedler walked into the house of a pour man, named Moses Poweli, lixiijjj at Freshf rd. when nobody was there but his Mind daughter, and inquired if any spectacles were wanted. Immediately after he was gone, the blind woman suspected he had stolen her father's spectacles, alld on searching for them in the place where they we>e always kept, she t'nund they were missing. The father being apprized of the cir- cuinstance, he pursued the pedler, and found him in the public-house, at Limpley Stoke, and asked if he had any spectacles for sale. The pedler not having seen the f.ither before, immediately placed all the spectacles he had on Ih." lable, when the old man selected from among them the pair which had been stolen from hi* home. It is to be regietfed that the thief was allowed to depart unpunished.— Bath Paper. AN OUIGINAL BULL.—A day or two since (writes a correspondent), a friend of mine. had occasion to call upon a customer at Limerick, a person in a large way of business as a drysalter and general dealer they were both talking over the badnessof the times, and my friend observed that he was getting nothing. Oh! said his Limeiick customer, "I atu positively losing money by everything I sell, and it 18 only the heavy business we are doing that enables oie 10 make it at all answer J"