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THE REBECCA RIOTS. THE BOLGOED AND RHYDYPANDY GATES. The examination of the parties charged with having been concerned in the destruction of the above toll-bars took place at the Town-hall, Swansea, on Wednesday and Thurs- day last. In consequence of an announcement, that the pro- ceedings would commeuce at nine o'clock, the hall was com- pletely filled long before the Magistrates, who held a private meeting previous to the examination, had takeu their seats Soon after ten o'clock, Capt. Napier announced to the pri- soner's attornies, rt porfers, and others who were anxiously waiting in the large hall, that the Bcnch was ready to pro- ceed with the examination in the small petty sessions room. An instantaneous rusii took place from the hall to that room, so that every avenue was immediately filled. The Magis- trates occupied the whole of the table, and consequently there was not the slightest accommodation either for the attornies engaged or the individuals connected with the press. M r, Tripp, after remarking upon the inconvenience of con- 'luctint; the examination in that confined room, expressed a hope that the Magistrates would consent to adjourn to the iarge hall. J, D. Llewelyn, Esq., on behalf of the Magistrates, expressed their willingness to do any thing for the accommodation of the pntdic, but they had come to an unanimous decision of holding the examination in that room, in consequence of the very unseemly manifestations of feeling evinced by the crowd at tbe last examination, which had a tendency to defeat the ends of justice. Still, the Magistrates were quite willing to adjourn to the hall (though they were not bound to give pub- licity to their proceedings) provided no similar demonstra- tions would recur. The Magistrates then adjourned to the Hall. The follow- ing gentlemen formed the bench on the occasion :— Sir John Morris, Bart., in the Chair. J. D. Herrington, Esq. J. U. Llewelyn, Eso. Col. Cameron. Griffith Llewellyn, Esq. The Rev. John Collins. Robert Lindsay, Esq. The Rev. S. Dnies. J. N. Luoas, ES(I, L LI. Dillwyn, Esq. Henry Lucas, Esq., Richard Franklyn, Esq. C. H Smith, Esq. John Grole. Esq. T. Edw. Thomas Esq. The Rev. W. Hewson, D.D. Henry Thomas, Esq. W. I. Jones, Esq. J. II. Vivian, Esq., M.P. Mr. Maule, the Government Solicitor, said that he would not trouble the Bench with a statement, but go through a regular examination, and leave the prisoners, by their attornies, exercise their right of cross-examining; but, in addition to the depositions against the defendants, David ,J"nes, Wm. Morgan, Daniel Lewis, an I Griffith Vaughan, theie was another circumstance which affected one of them — that was Vaughan. That circumstance had recently come to light, and until it was satisfactorily explained, be would C;¡II upon the Magistrates to give it its due weight and effect. The fact he alluded to was, that a few days ago, a case arrived by steam-packet from Bristol; the agent to the steamer had received it from the railway carriers at Bristol. It was addressed to Mr. Griffith Vatichan, and after he had been taken into custody, the order for the contents of the case had been countermanded. That circumstance excited suspicion, and the case was consequently detained and examined, and upon examination it was found to contain fire-arms and ammunition—there were about a dozen guns, some of which were double barrelled, a tmceof pistols, an1 a number of pnrcussion caps. Now, that seemed to him (Mr. Maule) to be rather an alarming fact,and unless it could be explained, it was a fact which must affect the defendant. He should submit that circumstance, together with the depositions, to the attention of the Magistrates. depositions, to the attention of the Magistrates. Mr. Tripp requested Mr. Maule to state the charge. Mr. Maule stated, that he charged the defendants under a statute of 7th and 8th Geo. 4ih, which was to the effect that, it any peison broke down or destroyed any turnpike- gate, bar, chain, or any toll-house, so as to prevent the col- lection of tolls, and allow passengers lo pass without paying, such person shall be guilty of a misdemeanour and punished accordingly. He charged the four defendants with having been concerned in the destruction of the Bolgoed Gate, on bursday the 6th of July; and if that charge should be brought home, the statute enacted, that they should be gUllly of a misdemeanour. M' Maule then called John Jones. The Chairman Can you speak English ? Witness (in English)No, Sir" (laughter.) Mr. Tripp said he understood English well, and it would I" It convenience if he gave evidence in English. The Chairman observed, that a Welshman who spoke English imperfectly always preferred giving evidence in his native tongue. He (the Chairman) could understand^ and speak French, still, if in a coiut of justice, he would insist on his right of giving evidence in English Mr. Glasbrook was then sworu iuteipreter. John Jones was then examined :1 live III Cwmsciaoh, in the parish of Llungafeiach, in this county, f am a labourer, and the place where I reside is about two wiles distant from Bolgoed gate, which, I believe, is in the parish of Llandilo-lulybom, in this county. I wits out on the night of the 6th of July last when the gate was destroyed. I Itåw the gate destroyed between twelve and one o'clock in the morning. The house was pulled down with pickaxes, and the gate cut with saws. The patties engaged in the destruction of the toll-house and gate were counted pre- vious to leaving, and they amounted to some hundreds. I know there must be hundreds of men there. I did not see any women. I believe there were both old men and young men present. There was something peculiar in the dress of all. Soine had white shirts on, and others had women's bed-jjowns about ihem. They also wore women's caps on their heads. Soine of them were armed. I cannot say how tnaoy. There might have been a hnn. dred gulis there. Thev were principally single-barrel gun«, but some of Ihem were double-barrelled. They had several liand- suwi, 1& aj)it pickaxes. They cut the toll- bar with oross- swords und linnd-saws, and the toll-house they destroyed with pickaxes by undermining it. and taking out the lower stones with piokaxes. When the toil-house and gate were being destroyed there was a continual firing of guns. They were occupied for about ten minutes in desttojing both the toll-house and the toll- bar. Some of I lie parties also had their faces disguised by having some kind of handkerchiefs lied around their heads, and banging like veils over their faces. I did not observe that any of them had their faces blackened. One of the persons rode on a white horse. The men addressed lire person on horseback hi the name of mother." I WHS near enough to the person tbey call "main" (mother) to hear them talk lo him. They werfconsutting with each other if it was time to go. That was before the gate and toll. house were demolished. It was the man on horseback that asked the men if it was lime to go. They replied that they thought it was time I'or ihem to go. The person on horseback had a white shirt put over his clothes. He had also a cap and bonnet on his head. He gave them directions, and made a short speech. That hlall was the prisoner Daniel Lewis. ) should know bim if I saw him. Thjs is the man (pointing to D iniel Lewis.) I had known him before that night. I know him to be a weaver, and that lie lives near the Coppa, but I do not know in which house. The Goppa is near the Pontardulais road. I had seen him frequently before, bill do not know how otlen. I had been acquainted with him for three or four years, I saw more persons whom I knew among the mob. I saw Mr. Griffith Vaughan, ol the Pontardulais Inn. I see Mr. Vaughan now. He was among the crowd. He had a gun in his liund. I do not know whether it was a double or single-barrelled gnn. He was dresse.) in sonle kind of a white shirt, a cap, and a bonnet. He fired several shuts from the gun. It n be twice or thrice duriim the time the odiers were de- stroying the gate. I saw nothing in Daniel LeWts s hand. I saw others whom I knew besides Lewis and Vaughan. I saw David Jones, of Dantwyn, present. His father is a larinel. Daniwyn is about a mile distant from the Bolgoed bar. He was also dressed in a while sliirt, a cap, and a bonnet, and had a dnuble- biirrelled gun. 1I« tired more than once, but I cannot saw now often. I hat was during the time the others were engaged in de- stroying the toll-house and gate. I also saw John Morgans, of Bolgoed. I know his name is Morgans. I know him web. [VIr. Tripp observed that his name was William.]—He is a far- mer, and lived at Bolgoed. He was dressed ill a similr manner to the others. He fired a gun three or four times. There were neither shoutings or noise then They were not speaking, nniy firing. I became ai-qu iinted with David Jones in the last winter, when f met him out sporting. I have known William Morgans'or the last ten >ears. I partly know from where the crowd came. I first met them on the lowest part of Goppa mountain. This was between eleven and twelve o clock. I accompanied them to the Kate, hut did not speak to one of them. Their numbers increased as thev weot on. They sat down on the mountain, and others came from all parts to join them I understood where they were going to. Thev said thev were going 10 break the Bolgoed bar. I had niv cmlt turned ill-ide out. 1 also put a handkerchief about my face." I did it for the purpose of being like the others. I had heen on all errand, and saw two persons who were going there. 1 had previously heard that they intended destroying the gate, but I had not heard the night. TbSJ did not remain a minute after they had destroyed the gate. They went lo^eiher to the side of the Bolted mountain. They then pulled the hoonet". &c. from their heads and dispersed throughout the neighbourhood. I then went home. I do not remember that I saw Lewis after I saw him hI the gate. Cross-examined bv Mr. Tripp, who appeared for David Jones and W'm, Morgans, and, in conjunction wiih Mr. Wallers, oil he- hall of D|. Lewis: — I was with my father during a paitof that day. I was at home during a very short purlion of the day. I I was not at home after seven or eight o'c ock in the morning. I will swear I slept at home on Ihe preceding night. I then went to Gellvwran-i*sa, where my father resides I remained there until the evening. I do nut lein'tpober the hour t tett. f did not return to my own bouse when Ilefl Gellvwran-issa. From my father's house I went on an errand to my brother's. My brother s name is Richard Jones, he lives at Llanedi, in Carmarthenshire -d)at is about four miles distant from my lather's house it may be live iitiles distant, or more. I reached there about dusk. It ma, he six, seven, or eiyht o'clock; 1 should think it might be about seven o clock I do no know when. I will swear it was not nine or ten o clock it was not quite dark. I had left my father's house between four anil live o'clock. I did not call a' any house between my lather's and rov brother's house; I went direct from my lather's to in, brother's house. I met several persons on the road, but I do not remember who they were. I did not ,s|>eak to one. J do not recollect having met any person whom I knew I will not swear I did not. When I arrived at my brother's, f saw my brother and his wife. his daughter, mid the nervani—the latter was in file kiioiien the child was with her in the kitchen, and no other person. My brother was not in in the house when I arrived, but came in there about an hour afterwards, accompanied by his wife. I remained there until it was dark. I might have remained in my brother's house for about three hours. When in my brother's house I saw no person hut those named. The Chairman now asked Mr. Tripp, what oourse he intended pursuing with the defence? Mr. Tripp, in reph sairl, lie did not exactly know at that pe- riod of the proceedings, but if the Chairman s object in putting • he question WIIS lor the purpose ol sending all the witnesses who niinlil he called for the defence out of Court, on the part of his clients he was very willing it should be done. Mr.laule observed, that il was usual to do so^. The witnesses were then ordered to leave the Court. The cross-rxaminaiinu was then proceeded with :—The errand, to perform which 1 left my lather's house, was to consult w.lh him about mv going there lo mow hay. I wellllhere on Illy OWII account, avd not tor any one. I consider that lo be an errand. When I left n»v brother's. I went to the Hendv-g.tte, and thence In Pontardulais, and from thence to the F irmer s Arms, and was on mv wav home. I had heard that the Bolgoed bar was to be destroyed on that night, but I did not know for a ctrlain-y. I saw the two persons, who were going to break the gal,e, going through the fields before me-I did not speak lolliem. I thought thev were going lo jio ^oeit. because one had a white dress on, and the oilier a bedgown. When first I saw ihem, lhe\ had those dresses about th in I did not walk «ith I hem, but after them. | 1 followed the, ninil the wooden bridge, near the faclorv. I do not know that I saw them afterwards. I will swear that I did i not see their laces. I then went lo Goppa Mountain t saw scores of persons there. I have disclosed to ihe Magistrates the names of all the parlies whom I knew were present at the destiuction of the gate and toll-house. When 1 first saw tliem, they were sit- ting down—some were standing. I cat down above them all I did not hotr them talk, as they were talking in a subdoed tone. I waa near enough to hear, if they bad spoken aloud. 1 remained there for about half an hour. During that time the numbers in- creased. Beoca was calling upon them, throughout all the neighbourhood. When they left the mountain, they amounted to some hundreds I was then in the midst of them. I well under- stood that they were going to destroy Bolgoed. One rose upon his feet, and said to me, Yon know where we are going-it is to break down the Bolgoed-gate." It was Becoa that said that. I knew who Becca then was, but not so exact as afterwards. I suspected it was Daniel Lewis I knew him b) his voice, but at the gate I saw his face. I had heard all the neighbourhood say that Daniel Lewis was to act Rebecca's character. I had not heard that he was generally Rebecca, hut thr.t he was to be so on that night. I beard that a week or » fortnight before, hut cannot name any person who said so. I will positively swear that I heard Daniel Lewis was to be there, on that nigh), from a great iiumoer of persons. 1 do not relllelllher one of the persons who toid me so. I turned the sleeves of my coat by the faclorv, about three quarters of a mile from the Goppa mountain I dis- guised my face wiien lirst I s (w them I n^d my neckcloth for that purpose. I turned inv coat after 1 saw the two men dis. guised. I (iid so because I had heard thev had .tune so in Car- marthensbire and I went to see thein breaking the '^ates. I think all those assembled on the mountain were disguised. I named all I knew to the Magistrates; f cannot say how many I knew, hilt I knew many of them-perhaps about six, including the four prisoners. 1 did not positively recognize one of them on the mountain. liile on the mouniain, one ot (he nersons stretched his hand towards me, but I did not know him. No person spoke to me. I heard conversations between several of them. I was within three or four yards of the loll-bouse when it was demolished, f was standing near, looking at them. lllave said that they were about ten minutes destroying the gate and toll-house it might have been fifteen minutes. "l bad seen and known David Jones previous to last winter, but not so well as afterwards; I never spoke a word to him in mv life I only know him by sight. I first knew Morgans when'he wav in the employment of Mr, Griffiths, of Penrhiew, at Swansea. I reside in a house in the Sciaeh VHlley it is a poor house." I cannot name the day or week I heard that a reward was offered for the apprehension of the Rebeccaites—1 cannot sav how long before last Saturday week I had heard suite days before. I first men- tioned what I have sworn to to day, to Mr. Rt-es. Inspector of Police, last Saturday week. I had business at Swansea. I in- tended bliving plates there. Near Mr. Attwood's ollice. I had heard speaking' ahoUllhp Reheccailrs Mr. T'ipp:—What did vou tell Mr. Rees? Mr. Maule objected to that question It was quite unusllal to ask witness what thev hilll told any person with It view of coin- paring it with liis evidence. The examination was proceeded wiih after a short discussion. I did not name to Mr. Rees the parries whom f have mentioned to-day. Mr. Rees desired me to accompany him to Mr. Attwood's office. Mr. Attwood sent for two Magistrates, who arrived there. I was examined before them, and I believe my examination was taken down in yvriting. When speaking to Mr. Rees, I believe not a word was spoken about the reward I then knew that a reward was ottered. I think I had asked Rees if I would be free if I informed about others. Mr. Rees said I "hould hilve the reward if I could make out who had broken the gates. I do not remember all the conversation between me and Mr. Rees, but I think something tnijiht have passed about the reward. I have no doubt of il You must have beard if I said that not a word had passed between as.—[The witness was also cross- examined as to whelher any person had influenced him to become inforlller on this occasion, which he strongly denied, and stated that he gave the information of his own accord, uninfluenced by any one.— During his examination, the witness said, that if his word was doubted, the Magistrates might sign two warrants, and he would produce two witnesses who would confirm his state- ments in every particular.] Mr. Je!lVeys, on behalf of Mr. Vaughan, cross-exait,ined the witness:—I have kllown Mr. Vaughan for some years. I do nnt remember that I erer spoke to him. I believe I was in his shop some years ago. I think his shop was in a street called High- street. I have been often in Swansea. I do not know the names of the streets. On the night in question I was within two yards of Mr. Vaughan. I did not exchange a word willt anv one by the gate—nor on the mountain. In leaving the gale I spoke to two men alter they had taken off the covering from their faces. It was a dr\ light night. I do not remember that it was a moon light night. It might have been. I know Mr. William Jones, of Rh»d. I spoke to him in coding from the lime-pits a few davs after the destruction of the gate. It might have been a week after. I spoke to him on two occasions, but only once upon that subject. next (Jay. I will not swear it yvas not on the next "day. I did not tell him whom I saw, but that I witnessed the destruction of the gate. I I did not say I yyas close to them, or that I was at a distance from ibem. I did not tell him that I knew any of ihem, We had no conversation as to the parties who were present William Jones did not ask me where I me the Rebeceaites, out I said I had seen them breaking the gate. He said. where were they ? If I knew where they were, I would go with them." I did nut say I did not go near them as I was afraid of them. or any thing to that effect. I did not say I turned of fthe road as soon as I had a place to torn. I did not tell him that I could not recog- nize one of them, nor did f say they had come from Carmarthen. shire, as I knew better. [ was brought before the Magistrates about six years ago for cutting birch. I was compelled to pay a fine on that occasion. Cross-exaniined by Mr. Wallers, on behalf of Daniel Lewis. I do not hold any land. I was working with my father for three or four days in the week I gave the information. On the previous week I also worked with III" father, perhaps during the whole week. I was working with Mr. Williams, of Penyfi ly, en the week before. I used to mow for my brother, and my biother for me. I lived for the last six weeks in a barn belonging to Morgan Pugh. I bad left Pwllfa. I was turned out of that house. I had not occupied the farm since Michaeitnas. I wished to have a house near the mountain for the purpose of keeping cattle, otherwise I had the offer of many bouses. I wished to live in a house near Rhosfawr, and Mr. Powell told me that he intended making the two bouses into one. t went to bed about two o'clock in the morning after the gate wits destroyed. That was the first lime I returned home after leaving In the previous day. In leaving the gate I met a man on Goppa Mountain. When I returned to my house 1 saw no person, as they bad all gone to bed. I did not see Morgan Pugh. I know Mr. John Williams, of renvhdy. I bad some conversation with him shortlv after the gale was destroyed. I did not tell him that I was at a distance Iroin the gate. I named to Mr. Williams, at that time, the persons whom I have named to day. I did not tell him that I did not know one of them. In coming to the gate the four de- fendant* turned the covering they bad on their faces on one side, and afterwards returned to shoot. Re-examined by Mr. NiAule Williains, of Penyfiijy, is a farmer. I do not remember whether be or myself commenced the conversation. What I told Williams was in reply lo ques- tions put by him. Mr. Williams did not express his regret that this disturbance had taken place. Mr. Williams seeim-d rather to advocate the parlies who had broken the gtlte.-Williant Jones is a small far Iller and a publican, and is generally called William, of Rhyd. The informal ion I communicated to him was in answer to questions put by him to me. He made no ohservalious expres- sive of regret at what had occurred, but appeared very partial to Rebecca's doings. Mr. J. Naisli Smart was then called by Mr. Maule. Mr. Jeffreys slated, that if the witnesses were called to prove the arrival of a case of arms. he would object to his evidence, as Mr. Vaughan denied having anything to do with the arms in question. It was also irrevalent to the case, for the arrivaj of arms would he no proof that Mr. Vaughan had destroyed the gate. Mr. Mauie insisted upon the necessity of catting the witness. It was most important that an explanation should be ottered if that were possible, for it appeared in evidence that Mr. Vaughan, and a multitude of others had riotously assembled, armed with guns, and at the very time be was in custody Oil that charge, a case of guns and pistols arrived by packet and addressed to him and the order for which had been countermanded since he had been taken inio custody upon the charge. He would tllly tbstf the Magistrates were bound to receive such evidence, though it was n«t vet complete as the order had not yet been proved stillp he uiaintained, that it yvas closely connected with Ihe circumstances of the case, inasmuch as it was evident that he collected arios for some purpose, though it might be no proof that bo was present at ahe flart icular riot in question. iJ,f Tripp observed, that tbe evidence might effect his clients, and contended that it was no evidence relating to the destruction of the gate, ft vvas merely of a general character. Mr. Maule said that it would not be made evidence against the other prisoners, but thought it of importance as far as it regarded aoglian. If ||,e evidence would not be taken as it then stood, the only course would be to adjourn the investigation for the pur. pose ol ascertaining the whole of the facts connected wiih the transaction. The only evidence be coiltd at present offer Wltli. that Ihe Cftse had beenaddres-edto Mr. Vanghan. He was aware that it IVIS necessary to prove some connection between Mr. Vaughan and tile case, either by means of a written order or otherwise, as a case of arms might have been addressed to Vaughan by him (Mr. Maule) or any other person, though that yvonld not be a very probible circumstance. Alier some further discussion, the Magistrates admitted the evidence. i ill r. Smart's examination was proceeded with. He deposed to Ihe following effectI am the agent for a Steam Packet Com- pany in this town. On the 25th of last month, we received a case addressed to Mr. Grilliih Vaughan, of Pontardulais. It was re- ceived Irorn Messrs. Bland, who were the railway carriers. 11 reached this town on the same day as it was put 011 board. Thø witness read the extract from the manifest relating to the case as follows Bland and Co., shippers, one case, Vaughan, near Swansea. Tb n foil avs amount of freight. Is.Cd.; charges, 3s. total 4s. 6d. 1 lie Mayor took possession of the case On the day lie took possession of it I received a letter. It was half- "alit eight o otock on Sunday evening when [ received it.-F Letter produced]. If arrived by post, and was given me by Mr, Tomer, who is also a steam-packet a^ent.—[Mr Jeffreys having glanced over the letter, objected to its being admitted in evidence.] —[The case was then produced]. It was addressed G Vaughan Red Lion Inn, Pontardulais." Witness said Ihat the first word after the name appeared Rich. Upon the receipt of the letter, I wrote to the Clerk of the Magistrates. Within five minutes aftr-rwards, he came to the house where I board, and returned in company with the Mayor and Capt. Napier. There were three or four policemen present. Mr. Rees was one, and Ibere was a Mr Jones present. The case waa opened in Illy presence. BOll contained twettefowtins: pieces, one brace of pistols, a bullel- mould for tire pistols, and ten or twelve boxes of percussion caps. There were three or lour double-barrelled guns, and the rest were single-barrelled. The contents after they had been in. spected were replaced in the case, which was fastened up. II is the practice to keep goods in the warehouse until called for. I do not know in yvhose writing these letters are. Some of the policemen took away the case. Cross examined by Mr. Jeffreys:—The box was opened about twelve o'clock at night, on the 30ib inst. [Mr. Jeffreys handed the witness a letter.] This letter is in my hand-writing. it was written on Monday. theSlsi. [Mr. Jeffreys wished to put the Magistrates in possession of the letter. to show the coorse adopted toyyards Mr. Vaughan.] I received no communication from Mr. i-l* a" or indirect. I received no answer fromthe letter addressed to Mr. Vanghan. The letter relerred to was to the following effect "County of Pembroke Steam ParPet Office, Swjn-ea, n July Sl»'. 1843. 'r' A rase arrived per County of Pembroke steamer on Tnesclay J* «rt'lie»sr<1 lo yoo. As we have liul liltle >««>III lo .p*re jD (lll. vv;„e. houne, probablj yun will call or .send lor same at the fsrliesi oppm tunity. "I am. Sir. \oors, obediently. Vanghan, Po"lard"lai»." "JOHN NAISH SMART." Wr. i ripp asked if there were any additional evidence against Vaughan? Mr. Maule answered in the negative. Mr. Jeffreys again begged leave to urge the objection made by him before, against admitting, as evidence, the circumstance of Mr. Vaughan being in posses-ion of arms weeks after the occur- rence bad taken place upon which the charge wa<, founded. rence had taken place upon which the charge wil-, founded. Mr. Maipe:—" Week* after. We must see what time the order was sent. Mr. Jeffreys said, that be would be able, at a future period, to give a lull and satisfactory explanation of circumstances atteuding the case of arms being addressed to his client. The above was »ll the evidence ofieied on behalf of tbe crown. Mr. Tripp, on beliall of David Jones and Morgan, submitted to the Bench, that the evidence adduced on behalf of tbe prose- cution was not suiffcient to warrant a committal. The evidence given by John Jones fully established that, in point of law, he was 811 accomplice in the case, having lormed a part of the com- pany when ihey first started froin The iiiountaill-bal.ing accoin. panied them to tbll spot, and remained present during the whole of The ii,ite that The gate 'and It)ll-bouse were (lemoiiiiiied. It could, therefore, be safely said, that Jones was IUlllccornplicc to au equal degree with any of the other two hundred and fifty, stated to bate been present, with the exception of those who were IOfalll, engaged in breaking op the gate, and palling down the house. It was therefore clear that Jones was an accomplice and it was equally-clear that be w<t ateo an informer, and, in that character, be hoped to receive the reward offered for the apprehension of the parties. He (Mr; Tripp) wop Id therefore submit, that the uncorroborated testimony of an accomplice would not justify the Bench in committing the parties for trial. I" support of that opinion. Mr Tripp qnoied a case from Carruig- lon and Pavne, and opinions given by Baron Alderson and Mr. Justice Bailey. Mr. Walters urged similar objections, and contended that Jones was an accomplice in whatever asptc f the Question was viewed. He had accompanied the party, disguised his face, and turned his coat. It was evident that he had considered himself as such, for the first question he put to inspector Rees yvas,— Whether he shonld be free, if he informed on the others? Supposing that Jones had heen instructed by ihe Magistrates to disguise himself, and appear among the crowd for the purpose of bringing the oflenders to justice, he would appear in quite a different cha- racter. In that case, he yyottld not have been Pin accomplice lie would have been present from understood prc-lIrran¡.;e:uelll, but in that case there wis no such arrangement. He would nol trouble the Bench bv quoting any cases, as Mr. Tripp had quoted several big-h legal authorities, shewing with what cauiion the evidence of an accomplice .should lie taken. The Magistrates ought not to be satisfied with a committal, on a prima fade case, ftom the evidence adduced, but they should also be satisfied that the evidence was accredited. JJr, Jeffreys, 011 behalf of Mr. "fllwhan. contended that no prima fade case had been made out. Supposing Jones's lesli- mony to be creditable, there was no evidence that Vanghan was concerned in the demolition of the y;ale and house, but merely that he was present, as the witness himself was. Mr. Maule replied to the observations made by the gentlemen who defended 'he prisoners. He agreed yvith some of the re- marks made, but thr; Magistrates could not assent to ail of them, unless they had made up their minds to think that Mr.Smart und Jones were not creditable witnesses. The gentlemen who de- fended the prisoners were entirely mistaken in Ihe cases they had quoted. If, instead or being before VJsyisirates for ex¡¡min;¡¡ion. Ihe prisoners were tried at the Assizes, the Judge bad no lyo 'ver' in point of law, to reject the evidence of Hrt accomplice, even though uncorroborated but it was usual, unless circumstantially or directly corroborated, to reoommend the jury to acquit the prisoner yet that was a rule of discretion rather than a rule of laiv. ihequeslion was, not whether there was suliicient ew- dence to convict the prisoners, but whether the account given by John Jones was sufficiently satisfactory to warrant the Magis- trates to send ihe prisoners bdure unofher tribunal. With respect to the witness being an accomplice, he (Mr. Maule) yvould observe, that there nii-;ht have been accomplices in I arious degrees. If that argumenl were to operate, there were many persons, hesides John Jones. whose evidence yvould be rejected. He alluded to parties, who might he mere 5pectlltors, encouraging otherswhowereintentupon mischief. Mr. Wa ters observed, that there was no difference between tbe case of Daniel Lewis and that of the witne-s Jones, with respect to the parts lakell by them in the riot. Mr. Maule was of opinion, that there was a material difference betwoen the two cases. Had Jones ridden on a while horse? Had he acted the part of Rebecca, which Daniel Lewis seemed to hale done to admiration ? Had the mob consulted Jones as tn their manner of proceeding ? He had only turned his coat at that moment, but ihey were belter prepared, having white shirts, caps, bonnets, and gowns. Mr. Maule quoted several authori- ties, to prove that the evidence of an accomplice was sufficient to commit, and that it would be legal evidence before a jury. The Magistrates would necessarily adopt one of three eniirses- either to acquit the prisoners, to commit them, or to adjourn the pioneerings. Mr. Maule proceeded ttconsiderabte length, re- plying to the observations made by Messrs. Tripp, Wallers, and Jeffreys. Mr. Walters repeated his objections to commilting on the evi- dence 01 an accomplice. Co!. Cameron read an opinion from a legal authority, to the effect that any person could be convicted Oil the evidence of an accomplice, provided the jury thought him worthy of belief- Mr. Tripp observed, that prisoners formerly were convicted on the unsupported evidence of an accomplice, but that old rule was entirely abrogated. Mr. Jeffreys hoped the Magistrates would entirely exclude from their mintts the circumstance of the possession of fire-arms by the defendant Vaughan. The Magistrates then retired to an adjoining room, and in a short time returned, when the Chairman said that the Magistrates bad come to a determination to commit the prisoners. Messrs. Wallers and Tripp then proposed calling witnesses for the defence, when Mr. Maule objected to hear, in a preliminary investigation before Magistiates, evidence to contradict state- ments made on behalf of the prosecution. They could call evi- dence to prove that the witness was nut worthy of credit, but not to contradict circumstances slated by the witness, for if the Ma- n gistrates decided upon the credibility of witnesses, they would be assuming the functions both of judge and jury. After some further observations from Mr. Tripp and Mr. Maule, the following witnesses were called on behalf "f the prisoner! William Jones deposed to the following effect: -1 reside at Rhyd. I remember the time when the Bolgoed bar was broken. I heard from some sort of a friend of mine that the gate was broken. It was rrotyi jail,, Jones, whom l met Oil the following day. I wo, returning from the lime, and he was coming from Llandilo. We were on the road between GlalOorganshire alld Carmarthenshire. I had n conversation with him about Rebecca. John Jones said that he had seen Rebecca on the previous night. H« said that she went before him from Pontardulais to Bolgoed. I asked him if he did not go near them. He said he was afrllid to go near them-that they were walking before him, and he fol- lowing. He said that he was looking for a place to turn, and that st last he turned up by the Fountain Inn to the Goppa Mountain. He said he looked down from the bank, and saw Rebecca on a white horse yvith a white dress. Ia).ked."Didyouknownone of then) ?" He said. I did not, and added, f was glad lo get out of tbeir way." tusked. "Didtouootknowoneofthetn?" He said, No, not one of thein. I saw them croing before me to Pontardulais, and heard them firin"- Irom Llandybie."—Mr. Jeffreys :-Are you flure that be is the man who was called as a witness to-dav i-Witness :-Good God, yes; do you think I would commit such a blunder as that. (A laugh.) Cross-examined by Mr. Maule :-1 was returning from lime at the time. I had not known before that time that the gate Was broken dowll. I believe I commenced the conversation about Rebecca by asking how it came on about Llandilo? I was just asking lor news. I had been in Llandilo in May. I was curious to know how matters got on. I had never heard of the intention of breaking down Bolgoed gate. Jones might have been lagging behind Ave on itto road (or about two miles. I meulioned ibis conversation to Mr. Llewellyn, of Cardinen, and to Mr. Williams, Clyn Castle, and another person. 1 told Mr. Jeffreys the ciicum- siance on Monday last. Mr. Jeffreys sent for me. I mighl have told a dozen more. I cannot name any of them, but my wife. I bad a boy with me He was about eijjht years old, but did not appear to take notice of any ihiug. John William*, 01 Penyfidv, examined :—I am a farmer, and reside in the parish of Llangafelacti. I first heard of ihe de- struction of Bolgoed gate from Johu Jones. Me spoke to ine opon tbe subject sometime from ihe lOih to the 15th of July. In the conversation John Jones had with me he lold me he had been with them breakiag down the gale. 1 asked John Jones if he knew one of them, and he said he did not know one living being. I asked him it- there were any gentleman present? and he au- swered that be could not say. He did Ullt name any of the four defendants. Cross-examined :—The conversation look place at different times. He spoke to nie on two successive dav. He lold me the same story both days. I will swear he did not name eiiher of the defendants. I reside three miles distant from Bolgoed gate. I will swear I had not heard of the destruction of the g«'e before be told me. I mentioned the circumstance to my own family on that day, but not to otiv one else. I think I was i" Chapel 011 the Sunday following the destruction of the gale. I attend Salem Chapel, which is between three and four miles from Bolgoed. Mr. 1 ripp staled, that the next witness be intended calling, would prove that, from Jones's general character, he was not worthy ot credit. would prove that, from Jones's general character, he was not worthy ot credit. Mr: Maule objected to evidence of that description being ad. duced before Magistrates. Mr. Tripp replied, and quoted Phillips on Evidence in support of bis opinion. The following witness was then called — Evan Roberts said I live at Llandimor, in the parish of Talybont. I have known John Jones for the last twehe or fifteen years. From his general character I would not believe John Jones on his oath. Kees Morgan, who stated that he lived in Glyn Casile, in Llan- gafelach, said — I have known John Jones for 'twenty-five years, and would not believe him on his oath. Cross-examined;—I live about three miles from Bolgoed. I do not remember the day of the month on which I first heard or the gate being broken down, but I was going to meet Ibe boys coining from liine. I am generally at home at night, and I think I can swear I was nt home on the night the gate was destroyed. I do not know what time of night I went home. I will swear that I saw no person going to destroy the gate, until it was destroyed. None of my lamily were out on the night the gate was destroyed. John Joce Strick, Esq., examined:—I reside at Clydach. I have known John Jones for three or four years I cannot say whether I would believe him on bis oath. I think that, from so uiucb as I know of him, I would not believe him on his oath but 1 am nut sufficiently acquainted witb him to say so positively. Richard Jones examined I reside in the parish of Llandilo, and am a brother to John Jones. J heard of the day the gales was destroyed. I do not remember seeing ray brother 011 that day. I do not think my brother was in my bouse on that day. To the best of my recollection tbe Jast time preiious to the lime mentioned I saw my brother was about the latter end of March. I saw him then on a Sunday. I did not see him in the week the gate was destruved. Cross-examined :-1 swear I did Dot see him-that he was not seen or mv lamily would let me know. I am a tenant of the Rev. Samuel Davies, to whom I pay ground-rent. I also pay rent to Charles Vaughan. I am not aware that h6 is IIny lellltio/t to Grilliih Vaughan. I am come here at the-4-equest of tile voung men. I left for them, as I thought they were not guillv. They told me to swear nothing but the truth. 1 bad previously told them that my brother had not been in my house.—There was nothing elicited in the remaining part of his cross-examination. Mr. Tripp, on behalf of David Jones, offered to call witnesses of the highest lespectability, who would prove that David Jones was at Neath on the night in question. He knew the Magis- trates were nol bound to hear such evidence it was entirely at their discreiiou, but he hoped they would exercise that discre- tion in a favourable manner. ilir. Maule stated at considerable length his objections to such evidence, which he had never known lo have been received by Magistrates, who were not 10 decide upon the guilt or innocence of parties, but to send them before another tribunal. In cases which were summarily disposed of by Magistrates they heard evidence for the prosecution or from the complainants, and also for the defence. Thev also decided upon the guilt or innocence ol the parties, IInd. pasoced sentence. In those instances Magis- trates performed the functions of Judge and Jury, but such evi- dence could not be admitted in a case like that which was to be senl to the Sessions or Assizes. Mr. Wallers replied, after which the Bench deoided that the evidence offered to be adduced by Mr. Tripp could not be re- ceived. The Chairman then slated that the Magistrates had come to the determination ot committing ihe parlies for trial at the Quarter Sessions. Mr. Tripp hoped the Magistrates would allow the prisoners to chose the tribunal before which they should be tried, and that they would commit them for trial at the Assizes, where they should not only be tried before one of the Learned J udgell of the land, but where they should have the assistance of able Counsrl, who would do justice to their cases.—The Bench assented to Mr. Tripp's request. On the usual question being put, each of the defendants de- clined making any slatemunls, as thev left the matter entirely to their attornies. They were then committed for trial at the next Assize*; and having entered into recognizances to appear at that time, were liberated. RHYDYPANDY GATE. THURSDAY. -The Magistrates entered this morning into the case of Matthew Morgan and Henry Morgan, who were charged with having formed a part of the inob who had destroyed, on the 20th of Jnly last, the above toll-ba which was in the parish ot Llangafeiacli. There was an impression prevalent, that the investigation into tbe Rebecca riots had closed on the preceding day. the hall, consequently, was not as full at the commencement of the proceedings as on the day before. Mr. Manle staled the charge upon which he intended proceeding against the defendants, which was founded npon the same statftte as that against the four defendants on Wed- nesday. John Jones was then sworn, and deposed as follows:,1 know Henry and Matthew Morgan, and see (hen) now it, Court." Henry Morgan resides with his father, at Cwmcillau-bacb, and Matthew Morgan resides at Tymawr. Tymawr is three or four fields distant from Cwmcillau. I know the Rbvdypandy turnpike- gate, in the parish of Llangy felach. I know the l ight on which the Rhvdypandv-gale WRS broken down-it was on the 20th of July. I saw both Matthew and Henry Morgan on that night I saw flenry first that was at half-past eleven. I spoke to him. f asked him if he yvas going to break the s;a!e — f did not name tile gate, ft yvas reported that Rlivdvpandy-trate was io be broken. On my asking him the question, he (Henry) replied, that lie was going 10 do like the rest." I had my eoat turned on that occasion. [had turned IIIV coal jnst bstore I spoke to him. Henry was diessed in a bedgown, and he had a kind of eap on his head, and a pickaxe in his hand. We went together across three or four fields, and arrived on the high road. I then stood on the road, and Henry wenl to ihe ilou.,e of his brother Majilityr. He clime out uf the house, in (hue to five minutes, accompanied bv Matthew. The lat'er was dressed in a bedgoyvn, he also had a cap or, his hpari, and hud a hatchet in his hand. Henry, M tthew and mvself, went down the road, until a place called Tri Onr-n (Three Ashes ). where there are four cross-roads. We then went together to Coed-oaehn n maen there were a number of people there-perhaps about forty they were all men, and the greater part dressed either in bedgowns or white shitts. There was one person there who attracted my attention more than nifiei-s-ifiev odled him Becca," and Mother." He was occasional!v on foot, but generally on horseback. When first I saw him he was walking about, whispering to the different men. He rode a while hoise, was dressed in a while shirt, and had something black over his face, and Lad an o!d bonnet on his head. 1 did not recognise that man, Int suspected him. The greater portion of ille people had some instruments in their hands —some had guns, some pickaxes, cioss-saws. tic. Thev remained at Coed eaebryn-maen for about half an IIOHT, an 1 went off iu a body towards Rhydypandy-gate. The limn on horse- tHe It went before tl'.em and before leaving, he said, Come, let us go now, it is time." He spoke in WeMi. and imitated a woman's voice, as near as he could. In obedience to Becca's orders, the party fired abont twenty shots on the road, and the numbers increased as they proceeded. I heard the man calling out on the road, Lucv," •' Marv," Nanny," and every name. They arrived at the gate between twelve and one o'clock, and then destroyed it. Becca gave command. They broke it up with cross and hand-saws. Four or five shots were lired during the time the gale was being destroyed, which was done in ten minutes or a quarter of an fiotir. I >a4v Matthew and Henry Morgan during that time. Henry Morgan drew off the board containing the terms of the gate, from the pine-end of the house. I heard them break it, but was not on the spot. They then re- turned in a bodv to Coed caebryn-maen. I did not observe the two Morgans, bull believe tbev ail went. I had also a cap on my head. Henrv Morgan had a red mark on his face. Cross examined by Mr. Walters — I never built a Tynos on a mountnin. I dug the foundation of a house near Darren-fawr that was in the last Spring. I was never in Cwmciilau-bouse since that time. I believe Morgan Morgan had II right ol com- mon over Darren-fawr, like others. I asked him leave 10 buiid a house, and he said, I had better seek a place Oil some free. holder's laud. I believe lift said he had no right to give me leave, as he was only a commoner. Morgan, at last, gave me leave. Mr. Jenkins, of Cvnhordv, afterwards went round the neighbourhood, and asked several persons to go with him to destroy what I had done. The two defendants went with them. I never said I would injure the defendants, when I had an oppor- tunity I never said so either to John Williams, of Penylidy, or to his wile. J laId Mr. Jenkins, of Cynhordv, aud the others, that perhaps they might want a ho use themselves. They were about six in all. I never told them that they would repent of what they had done. On the day of the destruction of the gale, Iliad been yvorking st Gellvwran issa I was labouring on the farm I wenl there about six, and left at nine o'clock. There t< about a mile between Gellywran and my bouse. I returued home about two in the morning. I went across the fields, be- yond Cwmcillau, from Gellywran. I knew they were going to a i -.I. destroy the gate that nig!:t. I remained near Cwmcillau for a quarter of an hour, when I saw Henrv Morgan. I had walked direct from Gellyyvran to the place where I met Hellry-it is about an hour's walk. I believe it was about eleven o'clock when I met Henry. It might have been later than nine when I left Gellywran. I turned my coat in the field beyond Cwmcillau house 11 Was in that field I overtook Henry. It was daybreak when I went home. There was no person there but my wife and children. I did not see Morgan Puffh on that night; I might have seen him in the mcrninn of that day. I do not remember, nor do I deny, telling Morgan Pugh I did not get up that morn- ing, as I was tired, having been mowing hay. I have frequently spoken to both defendants, after the taking down of my work on the Common. I had frequently spoken to Matthew, in going and returning from chapel. The bedgown worn by Henrv M organ was something grey the police foand 12 of them in Matthew s honse; Matthew wore a similar one. Mr. Walters then called Morgan POltb, on behalf of the pri- soners :—I am a farmer, residing at Llangvlelacb. John Jones, the Inst witness, lives in a barn belonging to me. On the night following the destruction of the Rhydypandy-gate, I saw J hn Jones returning to bed. When I saw him Oil that morning, about three o'clock, in bed, he asked me what time it was? He said he had not got out of bed because he yyas lired, after having been moyving. I went into the barn, to see if John Jones had gone to I mow hay on that morning. I thought he was engaged to go and inow for illiams. of Penyfidy. Re-examined :—I was frequently in the bibit of turning to the barn. to see if JOUKS was there. I would not have gone to the barn had I not seen the door open. I had not heard that the gate was to be destroyed. I got up early that morning, to pre- tentacatf which was weaning going to snck the cow. I knew that llu- calfwonld suck a« soon as he could get up. (Laughter), j I was in good time to prevent him oil that morning. I have a wife and a son. My son was not out during that night. Mr. John Williams, of PenvMv, was examined, trad stated, that, after the foundation on Darron-fayyr had been destroyed, Jones said he yvould injure Morgan, of Cwuicillau, or bis children. He said he would not care to run the risk of his lire by doing so. Crosx-examined .-—John Jones and myself were always friends. This conversation took place in May, in ray own bouse.—Tbe witness went through a very tongcross-examittatioo, but nothing material was elicited. The defendants were then committed for trial at the next Assizes.—The Magistrates acoepied bail to the same amount as that on which they had been previously liberated. REBECCA AT SWANSEA. Early on Thursday morning, it was generally Tn- moured in this town thattheTycoch gate, on the other side of the Swansea river, had been destroyed at about three o'clock on that morning, having been cut down with saws and other implements, and afterwards bnint on a lime kiln, The,, nmour, at first, excited considerable surprise, especially as the circumstances which gave rise to it had occurred so soon after the long investigation before the Magistrates, on Wednesday, which terminated in the committal of the parties chaiged bnt, on enquiry, what was a mere rnmoitr soon turned ont to be a stubborn fact. In spite of the number of policemen, both rural and borough, at present Sojourning in town—in spite of the numbers of military, il/elnding corupanies of the 73d and 75th Regiments, together with between forty and fifty Light Dragoons, the Tycoch gate-lialf a mile distant from the town of Swansea, was levelled to the ground unobserved, excepting by the toy. receiver who, as will appear from the following examination, recognized one ont of the tliiriy or forty lioters who took part in the demolition of the gate. On Thursday evening, the Mayor, and several persons in authority, went o»er the river for the purpose of viewing the wreck of the gate, and of obtaining some information relative to the perpetrators of the onrrage, One of whom had committed a most cowardly and disgraceful assault upon Margaret Arnold, the toll-re. < piver. On the same evening, after the conclusion of the in. vOstigation relative to the Rhydypandy gate, a collier, named David Lewis, who had heen identified by the toll-receiver, as the person who bad assalllrpd her, was brought before the Magistrates, who had adjourned from the Pall to the Petty Sessions-room. Reporters were admitted from the commencement of the examination, and the public gellerally shortly afterwards. Margaret Arnold, having heen sworn, stated tbat she was a singlewoman, and collected tolls at Tycoch gate, in the parish of Llntisamlet, about half a mile distant from Swansea. I lived in the house near the gate. When iu bed about three o'clock this morning, I was disturbed bv a noise outside the house. Several heavy blows were given the door of the house, aud the shutters, the tatter of which together with the windows had been smashed. When f came out of bed and opened the door, a man came from the turnpike towards me. He had an iron bar in his band, with which he gave me a severe blow on the arm. I had held up my arm for the purpose of avoiding receiving the blow on any other part. The prisoner, David Lewis, is dIP man who struck me. lie then struck the bar ihrough the deer, which I then closed and ran into the house. He struck at the door re- peatedly afterwards until it was broken to pieces. I again went to the door, and observed the prisoner break down the toll-board which was fastened to the wall. There yvere about thirty or more men scattered here and there about the house when I went to the door. I screamed out murder" as loud as I could, upon which they all fled in various directions. They appeared to be working-men, colliers, &c., and were not disguised. One of the party rode a dark-coloured horse, which appeared 10 be a cart-horse, In leaving be rode ou before them. The gate ap. peared 10 have been cut down with saws. It was all right at eleven o'clock on the preceding night when I retired to hed. There was a gate and a bar by the house, one leading to Foxhole and the other to Danvgraig. The gate was pttced on the lime- kiln after it had been cut down. I well knew the prisoner before. He had passed through the gate on the preceding afternoon with a cart. He rose bis hand in passing, which intimated that he had no money about him, but would pay again. I have frequently trusted Jiim before, and he has-always paid me. Mr.. jSsaery, who slaterl that be was a member of the Royal Colleg* itf Surgeons, stated that be had examined the complain- ant's person, and found a wound about two inches in length, and half au inch deep, on ihe fora-arm. It might imve been pro- ducedhytthtutttinstromeot. Mr. Melvin, who now came to the room, said he appeared on behalf of the prisoner, and asked permission to cross-examine the first witness. The Magistrates granted the request, at the same time inli- mating that it was a mere favour, being quite irregular after her evidence had closed. In her c. oss-examination she said :—It was nearly three o'clock when she saw the prisoner at the gale. It was rather dark, but light enough for her to see his features, and recognize him. She knew him well. He is raiher lame. Inspector Rees corroboated the witness's evidence respecting the state of the gate and house. I .Mr. Mettin then addressed the Bench, and ofre,red to prodnce witnesses who could prove thai the prisoner was in bed from nine o clock on the preceding night, until five on that morning. The Magistrates declined hearing evidence to prove an alibi, while it was not intended to convict summarily, hut seud the case before another tribunal. The prisoner was then committed for trial at the next Assizes, oil a charge ot felony. The Magistrates declined accepting bail for the prisoner s appearance at the Assizes. Ue consequently committed lo the House of Cor- rection. REBECCA AT LLANELLY. About three o'clock on Thursday morning last, tbe inhabitants of Llanelly were alarmed by the norturnal depre- dators who assume the above name they were numerous on the occasion, and before they left the town they succeeded in destroying the Furnace gate, which is on the road leading from Llanelly to Carmarthen, and hurnt the toll-house to the ground. The Sandy gate, on the mail road leading to Pem- brey was also wholly demolished. We understand that the party broke to pieces a private gate belonging to D. Lewis, Esq., of Stradey. During the laqt week nine gates and several toll-houses have been demolished in tbe neighbourboods of Llandovery and Lampeter. It appears that the impunity with which Rebecca and ber Daughters have hitherto carried on their system of destruction against toll gates in Carmarthenshire and the oeigliboaring ¡ counties, has emboldened some lavtaa raffias* to destroy, by night, the property of any person whom they think to be op. L posed to their destructive proceedings. On the night of Sa- | turday se'nnight, some mischievous persons cut down and de- stroyed some scores of young trees growing in the plantation of. Mr. I'.vans, of Tymatn, n the- parish of Llangeler. On the night of Sunday week, Mr. li-)wel Davies, of Conwil, was alaimeo by the rejection ot a bright, light in his bedroom window. On looking out he oh-«erved a rick of old hay, and two stacks of straw intended for thatch, on fire in his haggard, j An alarm was given, and nearly all the inhabitants hastened to the spot. As there was a good supply of water near the placv, the flames from the hav "re soon subdiir. but the stacks of stiaw were entirely consumed. Oil Sat ii vd .v evening las', between ten and eleven o'clock, a, "eHt liitj(- house, laf< ly bout at Cwmdvad, near COlJwil, Carmarthenshire, vvas in a short time cumpleielv minced i<> ruins, by a set of lawless ruffians, > Iio were disguised as usual. Several of them weie I,fft)iileti wi ll fire arms, which they tieqnently discharged, 10 liie great to-or of thj neighbourhood, and «• those who travelled along the road. Souse persons who had attended tin- Carmai ihen ma-ker, and had to go home that way, were iM-lined for soon- tirjit-, until ihe Rebeccaites had completed their woik of de«truc- tilln, ulii-11 t[le v disappeared, and no man c.tti give an account whither tli-Y went. It is believed, that what excited He. irc^a s vengeance against this house yvas, that it was LI- fended to be a gate-house, at which a toll-gate was proposed to be erected, instead of that lately destroy ed ill Xantv- Claw,Id. ODDFELLOWS' ANMVF.USARY.—The A 1I1!l1ft 1 ISIEEFIN^ of the Members of Cardiff Society, took place on Tuesday, to attend divin° worship, and t;, preambulate the town! ihere was a strong muster of the fraternity, and eve v Lodge yvas crowded to excess. The whole affair twsrd ff creditably.


Family Notices



[No title]