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H&rtmofflAg'* antr Cfturfttog'ff…




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I>- *nser|e.d another column, i* ensuingSprini ? If "7-th,rteen days allowed for the being nearll ,S u °T 1 V* -COnn,y',0 be held « Swansea, consequence ,e »sual ."m.e• This prolongation is i* number of f ,he 1,eavy ca,endar tbe unnsnally pre«t ever renL,i P(JrtaDt Causes 0n the civil Iist- It «»H, ho«* sioned bvir y great inconven,euce and expense rcc»- in several cases, which was necessarily resorted to instances at the last assizes held in this town. been7e^esI,edTt,TUT,ON °F S,°UTH ^ALES.-We have ont their shn i k rem,nd Gentlemen who may be clearing trees would u"ri,es or f?arde,is» that any sP*re shrubs or of the ins'itnr §bly valued by tbe Conncil, for the garden8 hope onr hini»-'irThis being a Particularly n,ild season, *e looked with .1 not be ,hrown away, as we have oft*" which alrea} Hre on l',e numbers of trees and shrt»b» which have h/ ado,n "ie grounds round the building, ■n'' of the insiitnif,JJ,^aced tbere without drawing on the fond* j Ba^bv°thl w6 gentIemen were lately called to the to observe th*0n„0"rab,e Socie,y of Grey'» Inn< we g'3'1 Ihe Chairman 2n,e of Jol,n Joncs' Estluire» GlanhonddU. Brecon. lbe Quarter Sessions ot the Comity *>' Esq.1 to the" -t3ona,ion of George Price WatkinS. week, to th £ »I.lnhabitants of Breco"> was distributed and comfort. of thir,y Pound8> 10 their gre«t reli** the 'cardiffan»h•"Ce of tbe late dreadful shipwrecks ot» neighbouring1 fr coast» ,he inhabitants of the town a" purchasing a £ Aberystwith have subsciibed 50<. to be abont e"boat—tbe price of the boat being state" carrv ont th. 1 '-i*nd a Committee has been appointed to A Pn 'a"dable intention of its promoters. and his Hirp!^ inst.r»mental Music, by Herr Wagner fordwest on P'J !| t0°k Town-h»H, Haver' exceeding ,,day evening last. Tbe performances wer? there nnth g bnt andience was very scanty indeed, not being more than thirty present. Fi;?«RT,NA r'0NSERV,CES-—0n Thursday last, the Rev- las Jacobs, lately a student at Brecon Congregation*1 Ch r?|e'-Wa,5. QrJained Pa»l°r of Ebenezer Independent Church, in this town. The introductory services commence^ manner ,„^t vjews, m a clear ami [ manner, tu reply to questions asked by the Ret.'J. E*ai?»'L Ihe charge to the younft Minister.sms delivered bv t^e Re.. D. Davie", lately his Classical Tutor at Brecon Coi!ege' the R(fvs°'w""J p0r,i°n °f ,be serv"'ces were conducted by bach In m/p S,reet' a,u1 J> Davics. Mvi.ydd- ?be Revs M !Srs T?0-0"' r? Serm°ns we,e Slivered l>f In thee'enhS ti.^7,#,0fBre?"'M,d D* Neath- the Re" W r'nffitl f6r l° J Charch was ^^ered b/ eluded with Lanharan. The whole was con- Messrs r lfffi, T lhe ReT* Wm- J™ The R<?'- devotional service* a^ins' &c., conducted tfr" very nnmemn. eaC- occas,ou ,he attendance to produce 8e™Ce3 'mpre8sive' a»d calculated hQUESTS.-On Saturday, tbe 28th nit, an inque*' parish of before Thos. Thomas, Esq., coroner, at Skewen, in the of Marv Jenki?* n^UXta h' th'S C0UDty» on the body that the noJr WU,0W' aSed 60- S^P'on was entertain*41 herself int!! T Wom,an bad committed suicide by thro«U>* o? ,„nf nE" N"lh Abb'> *>"< no "I- jurv a vcr./ilf 'f be!nS Prfivei| bf,ft>re Ihe cwron«'* o' r"Ct0f ound drowned" was returned. On Tupsday last, an inqnest was held. before Charle9 sevprp'lV i coroner on the body of Watkin Evan, who ,va of fim ^ri f on the 14th of December last, by an explosion a-rr'it am'J ,n.acoal-p't at Cwmtwrch, and who lingered in Acrirpa'.n i Saturday last, when he expired. Verdic*' and seven chihlr''1'" ThC unfortunate man bas ,eft a without*its'l'pav'"r"'P* weighing twenty-six pounds, an'1 week taken „eS-and roots a,)ove twenty-one pounds', was Isst »\ Estate, and in Ti 10 a ^e,(1 belonging to the Penllyne CoOf* Vurlong-house n of Thos. Llewellyn, E«q., of th" land may be ind a tolerable proof of wba' state of cultivation *° UD<1er Sood fa«ning and a big11 B«JRGL\ry r-\ c time the ponday eveniug last, during the James, near thp j'" CI,aPeI' the house of Mr. Dani?' town to Landorp 0,1 the r0<i,i ,eacling from thi* the value of c/ VVaS, en,erec1- Besides a silver watch, o> 35/. And 4oi jn 1 dari"K burglars carried away between of the robbery. No clue !ias llil,iert0 been obtained on Tuesday •™Befween ei??,t arul nine o'clock street, in th'-s to g ',he *hop of IVlrs- Rivers» "f High'! gold weddin<* rinn"' w" "bbed of nine gold seaU, three; in? altogether gold cba'm' and otl,er ar,'des, amount' must have entered' ? °,f- "Pvv.ards of 12l- The tl.i*»; the shop. The nli- made h,S e.Xlt over ,1,e half-door of K e police are on the alert. lawlesfbS W 11U'1 ^HT-Ens.-Last week, tb<* gate on the w,?i?rn K h'S, destro>e(l ""other toil shows that their I Pan" nt' If"" m°',e of Procedure! detection, nrc'6' h°* ,0 act'80 avj^ to discover then? h r n!, ,tary- Hitherto all while they were inVl^ t" I'j1 f-' is "ported, tha' the week before J ?. demolishing one of tlfe gate* Yeomanrv l\ o til I W°''J to ^ect to tb* i"g this renort stat,onefl a"°»her pate. Gn re°cHv. spot, but on their arnvaT^hev hastened to lb*; »J«at the jrate was alreadv leveVd" w\th°ti!eiP m°'J rioters fled. It afterwaids f i sronnd' and ,h"; »cymg tins report to the cavah v l,ie.reason for coo' quit the gate at whieh thPv y 7as' to "'em 1° that the mob might do the work^f i s,a,ioned' in or(lef without molestation from .1, destruction on that also,; return of the latter n t,00Pe,s- Accordingly, on thf, phlant" had be-.n th'P .y dlsc"Vered that Rebecca n:'< cnmplished their desi^ ,rin- ,1,pir absence, and had aC ment of Yeoinenrv'«t >°" Mom,ay another detach'; the company on dot- J" Haverfordwest, to relief pistols and carbinp in» ,ast vvpek 'hey are armed witf each. A letter '.and carry 20 rounds of ammunition .Ksq-, Mayor of H 3S r wepk ri'ceivefl by William Owei" inS him, thai lHVfr'0,'dwest, signed by Rebecca, inform' this, it js ,ilm ,e a.,u' "ei' children intended shortly visiting IIAV § 'lSonlyalloax- —This ^,P0RDWrst--DESTRUCTION OF A TOLL GAT*'[ into no s. ?■ wa? yesterday (Thursday) morning, thro*11! toll irg.g excitement, by the discovery of the loss of tl'?i r°ad. r. at !,e toP °f Prendergasi, on the Fishgnaf' is thni.«iit'>f'ii, l3| 8.0me evil disposed persons, movc^' becci an 7 i °i emulating the fume of Ke' n' £ ht oAvpT h"" 'i6'8' 'n 'be adjoining county, on niilp p.i„ T-i.. "'stance of about a quarter of for .'he missing gate^,0rninS' a 1earch w«s institntjj field, sawed to piece? Li -"00" <ound1,n wood. It is slipped that tl.pq,,I U* ^7,* > half a dozen persons, as the 'iL° exec",ed b> at \eto disturbance was made At was \eiy heavj, and "er.o th.dWo.er, „V ti'S"1'" clue "M' of Jnfor'"i,tion ,lia',a 'jjj been subscribed for L Nantyslo Railway has alrea<tf T ■, I London capitalists.—Merlin. i last, wawolled'in f|he e^traordinary size' 0!> Mond»( direction of Mr N^h P?w,a19 For8e M,n» "nt3t,r ''h, 14 feel, 4i and si; an.lel Evans, measuring in leng1.: 32 cwt. A bolt'nf 6|S .d'ameter, and weighing ab0| any part of the eloh. • a.s'ze was never rolled before 1 the blast engine of T T lS lntemlei1 for a Piston r0'1 to the bailers ami u Iron Works- G>eat credit is K' which thev ir^ui 8 Dowlais for the manner 1 to their conductor rp"ed lhis lar"8 piece' e9PPcialta state that no Evans and we are happy amongst whom ent hapened. Hundreds of perso" witness tbe ope^rlon^S^'8" genlleinen'a,teuded